Monday, August 12, 2024

Tracking Inches

 It's Monday!   That means in two days we move on to dose two and see how that goes.   I promised yesterday to give you more of an update today and we'll get there...but first - STATS!   I added measurements this morning (before we get too far in) so let's start with a breakdown.

Weight this am - 185.8 (back up a teeny bit but I DID have a margarita last night)

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.1 for 1.76 miles

Waist - 41.5 so down 1/2 an inch

Upper Arm - 14 inches

Hips - 47.5 inches

Right Thigh - 26 inches (ya'll,  my waist used to be this size!)

I'm tempted to go dig up my pre-Arietta-pregnancy measurements just to look back at Me At 30...maybe later.

Last night was lovely and I had a blast.    Unfortunately my sleep was NOT as good last night (kept waking up)  We'll see if that is an effect of the meds or the margarita.   (Don't tell the 'Rita but I'm blaming her 😉)   Either way it was worth it because I got to spend time with some awesome people.  

Now onto the side effect I forgot to note until I was chatting with someone.    Food Noise.   Although in my case it's more Life Noise.    Wegovy is supposed to quiet Food Noise.   That's one of the ways it works to stop people from eating when they aren't actually hungry.  I've never really experienced Food Noise.   I don't have food cravings or overwhelming thoughts of food.   What I do have is way too many voices in my head ... or around it.    Constant inner monologues (yes plural) which can be stressful at times.   One of the first things I noticed after the shot was something I initially classified as static.   Like an almost-buzzing in my ears, but not actually IN my ears.    I was describing it later to a friend as a kind of cloud.  

Since I took the first dose I have almost a cloud of white noise (but SILENT white noise) surrounding my brain.   I don't have extra thoughts going on.    At night I can fall asleep now by actually just closing my book and putting my head on the pillow.   No background music, no ear plugs, no reading until I doze off.   Just putting my head down and closing my eyes!  This is NOT something I've been able to do for a Looooong time.    And I like it.    It's calm.  And it's peaceful.   I haven't had a quiet brain for as long as I can remember.    This is definitely a side effect that I am very happy to keep.

Food-wise today has been salad and I was going to make turkey soup but I think I'm switching to curry instead.    

OH!   and I found a new favorite snack....frozen blueberries in almond milk.   Looove it!

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