Friday, August 23, 2024

Doctor Appointment

 Today was a follow up day with my PCP.    According to their scale and mine I'm down 8.4lbs overall (their scale is measuring me by about 2.6lbs less than my home scale.   I think they have it set lower to account for things like shoes)   We discussed it and sent in my script for 0.50 dose.   My pharmacy can't fill it until the 25th so now we wait.   

Weight this am - 180.6 - This is why people shouldn't worry about a pound or so fluctuation.   

Trying to bring my food choices back into alignment.   We definitely had some less than stellar options this past week and I can feel it in the *tired*   

Still having a bit of nausea in the background.  I need to make up some chicken breasts and have those as an option with my salad.   

Dentist tomorrow and then I'm good on doctors until next month.   

I feel like I'm almost in a holding pattern motivation-wise until I see that new 10 pound number.   I'm looking at you 70.   It's sooo close. 

No I have not done my walk or Pilates today.   Trying to get the background nausea cleared and honestly...I do better when I knock that out first thing in the morning.  

Lets see what tomorrow brings

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