Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Final 0.25 Wednesday - Week 4 Day 1

 Weight this am - 180.4  - Another jog up.   

 I officially did not lose anything this week 8/21 I was 180.2 and today 180.4   Not what I was hoping but since I lost 5lbs in week 1 and 4 in week 2 I guess I'll take it.    I am really hoping I drop at least a lb this week so I can actually hit that 10lb loss and be in a different decade on the scale.   

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.5  for 2.72 miles

Sigh.   I'm intellectually ok with a stall since I know that overall things are good.   But there is a part of me that panics just a little bit when things aren't trending at least a little bit downwards.   

Well...looking back, I'm below where I was in February (184.5) although not down to where I got to in March (177.8)   So I'm almost to where I was when I wasn't using meds to help.   I guess my mini-mini goal is to get below 177.8.   That's only 2lbs from my lowest weight on this med.   C'mon TWO

Last 0.25 shot this morning.   Used my left thigh.   

Took photos.   I can see a tightening in my abdominal area and my waist at my belly button is down from 42 inches to 40.25.  My hips are down from 47.5 to 46.5.   Left upper arm is the same at a half inch down.  I need to add weights and toning on my arms.   My right thigh went from 26 to 24 so the walking is helping.

I do feel good about deciding to go up in dose with this plateau.   The effects are definitely less than at week 1.    Lets see where we end up by next Wednesday.    Hopefully I can officially put myself solidly in the 170's again!

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