Friday, August 9, 2024

One Day At A Time

 One more day on the Wegovy train.   Saw my doctor this morning for my lab follow-up.   My thyroid numbers are good.   My cholesterol is good.   My liver numbers are back up but I was definitely drinking more the past few months.    Overall we are pleased.    Set my next appointment in 2 weeks which will be 2 days after my 3rd Wegovy dose.   We should know better then how I'm doing and have time to get the script in for the next batch.    Will probably try to go up to 0.5 but if that is not in stock we have the flexibility to stay on .25 as long as that is available. 

I also got the GABA supplement so that is going onto my nightime meds tonight.  

As an addendum to yesterday:  made Turkey Vegetable soup and had a small bowl with some noodles.   Also had about a half a glass of white wine.   I cut it with the Waterloo Mojito Mocktail Seltzer (no sugar, no alcohol)   It was nice to treat myself since I did do 40 minutes of treadmill yesterday.

On to today:

Weight this am - 187

Treadmill - 42 minutes at 2.0 for 1.43 miles

Slept better last night.   I don't get anything close to nausea unless I don't eat when I'm hungry.    Had a salad with chicken again this morning and made more chicken up for the rest of the week.  Treated with a Keto Salted Caramel Bar after my walk. 

Today was picture day.   I did front/side/back photos.    I'll redo those in a month I think.   Probably sync everything up (scan, waist measurement, photos) to the same day each month for simplicity.  This weekend I may add in other measurements but we'll see. 

On another note, I did find out that they cast based on fight ability/agility.   So essentially my weight/fitness actually did get in the way of my work.  This experience has really made me conscious that I have a pattern of giving more than required and then feeling like that should carry some weight (no pun intended).   I'm learning that people will take whatever you are willing to give, but that in no way means they feel obligated to return more than they originally intended.   

I'm going to put ME first now.    I will add a couple of conflicts to rehearsal schedules to make sure I take time for myself and am not the only person always available.   I will no longer just volunteer my personal belongings to make it easier on the theatre company when doing so is only for their good and not my own.    I will no longer invest more energy in a production than is required for me to simply fulfil my obligation to the role.    

My obligation is to me now.   

"I am the one thing in life I can control

I am inimitable I am an original~ Hamilton

And I'm no longer willing to just let people just take

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