Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Starting the Next Cycle - Week 2 Day 1

 Well...that was a bit of a surprise.    After yesterday's indulgences I expected the scale to show at best an even progression, at worst another shift up.    But this journey is apparently full of surprises.    

Weight this am - 184.4  

That was a welcome surprise.    This means I went from 189 to 184.4 - almost 5lbs down this week.   I expect that some of this is inflammation and water weight but still.   That is the most I have seen the scale move downwards in almost 2 years.   I am cautiously optimistic that I will actually be in the 160's by my anniversary in October.     That would be fantastic.   

Observations on shot 2.   About 15 minutes after my injection the 'cloud of white noise' descended and I could feel my brain quietening.    It's just lovely.   Like silent static.    And the hunger is gone again.   No over-salivating this time either.   

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.2 for 2 miles - I went up one in speed today

Another 'side effect' I forgot to mention.   My resting heart rate is down.   It's now sitting at around 60bpm which is a definite drop.   

Had a nice salad today with avocado and chicken.   I'm going to need to make more up because that was my last piece.   Probably tomorrow or late tonight since we are doing leftovers today.  

Got some clean up done on the living room.  It should hopefully be clear for Pilates in the next couple of days.   

Now I'm just settling myself down after a stressful event.    My Dr and I forgot to send refills in for my scripts last Friday, so I had to call the office on Monday.   No script showed up at my CVS so I called back and the office had sent the refill to the wrong (now closed) CVS.   Got them to send to the correct one on Tuesday.   I get a text Tuesday that they got the scripts, they need to order Adythza (thyroid med) but are filling my BP med.   Get a text my BP med is ready.   Then today get a text that Adthyza is not eligible for refill until November (!?!?!)   Called the pharmacy and they can't help, said to call the Ins Company.   Ins Company shows my med refilled AT THAT CVS on the 13th (?!?!?! - again)   and they don't understand why CVS did not call them.   Ins tries to call CVS and gets voicemail but will follow up tomorrow am if it's not resolved.    Then I try to call CVS again and the automated line is now apparently defaulting me to their prescriber line (?!?!?! - one more time)   While I'm fighting with this I get a call from CVS (that went to voicemail because ....phones)   My script is resolved and will be ready by 6pm today.     

JESUS- FUCK that was a friggin moment.    

I am definitely done for the day...LOL!!!

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