Monday, August 19, 2024

Out and About

 Took Rowan to Planned Parenthood this morning for a blood draw.   I also realized that I did NOT in fact have a Dentist appointment this morning.   Apparently an old card from last year got into the mix of current appointment cards.   Ooops.   Then we went to Best Buy so Rowan could use their gift card.   

Weight this am 181.8 - Obviously I was right not to worry about the flux.   LOL   I am soooo close to my mini-goal of 10lbs down!   And just 6-7 lbs away from my MFP goal of 175.   I can't wait until I can change that to 165 💙

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.2 for 2.07 miles

Still have about 2k steps to go to get to 8 today.    Worst case I'll pop on the treadmill for another 15 minutes later this evening.    Right now I think my salad was a bit too heavy with the addition of steak for me to have gone for my walk.    My stomach is just a wee bit affected.

Tomorrow Rowan and I are hoping to go for an early am walk in the park on the nature trail.   I'm looking forward to that.   I'll also add pilates tomorrow since the walk will be early 

I'll check back in once I hit my 8k step goal.   

Day 6 of 8K steps - One day left to my goal

Watching the DNC and this is just FUN.   

One more day until Dose 3.   

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