Thursday, August 15, 2024

Off To The Theatre

 Short post today because I am going out with friends to see a play tonight.  Soooo it's a quick update.

Weight this am 183.8 - I feel like I haven't seen the 170's in sooo long.   This gives me hope that I will be there and able to check off my 10lb loss goal by next shot day.   Fingers Crossed

Treadmill Walk - 66 minutes at 2.1 for 3.21 miles

I am less than 700 steps away from hitting Day 2 of 8k steps (I have another mini-goal of 1 week at 8K)

I haven't felt this motivated an energized since I started Keto and got my thyroid meds adjusted back in late 2018/early 2019.    

Had some beef with black bean sauce earlier.    I will probably do a small snack like a superfood bite just to not get too hungry before dinner.   

I have about an hour before I need to get ready so I think I will lie down and set an alarm.   

See ya on the flip side.

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