Thursday, August 8, 2024

Another Day - Another Tool

Yesterday was a bit of an up and down day for me mood-wise. 

On the up side -  I started back up tracking food on MyFitnessPal.   I found some yummy low carb snacks at Sprouts.   Harvest Snaps is the brand.   Wound up having 2 small bags with some ginger/lime seltzer.    Then I rounded out my day with an apple, a salad with lemon/dijon chicken, and water + Pellegrino in the evening.    

Unfortunately I found out that I did NOT get cast in a play that I was REALLY looking forward to doing.   I actually recommended this play to the theatre company and introduced them to the author which my got them a preview copy to read over.    So it feels a bit dismissive not being asked to work on this production.   There is a part of me that feels like I need to stop just GIVING so much and being so invested when it's obviously not a mutual thing....but that is a whole nother subject and post.

Back to the journey.   This experience made me feel even more like my weight is getting in the way of doing what I love which just makes me more committed to this.

Last night I had a bit of trouble sleeping, which was probably a combo of meds and mental.   I had a bit of heartburn and some nausea so I grabbed 2 tums in the middle of the night.   Woke up with a very mild headache.

OH I should log what meds I use as well.    Right now daytime is NDT thyroid meds, Biotin, Vitamin D and I added B12 back in yesterday.   Night is BP med, melatonin, magnesium and CBD oil.   Need to add GABA back in when I go to the doctor tomorrow. 

Weight this am - 188

I added me360 app and did a full body scan this morning.   Measurement was within 1/2 an inch of what I measured for waist yesterday.   

Going to have salad later and make a turkey vegetable soup for dinner.    

Planning on a 30-40 minute treadmill session since I feel pretty good and I'll get back to detail cleaning the downstairs since I'm very close to finishing. 

I will probably keep this daily for a bit but I expect to shift to once or twice a week as things progress.

Treadmill - 43 minutes at 2.0 for 1.42 miles

1 comment:

Chantal said...

I just restarted the MyFitnessPal app today! I think we are already buddies on there. I am going to download this other app you mentioned right now!