Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Thoughts

Weight this am - 179.0 

Treadmill - 65 minutes at 2.4 for 3.54 miles

Pilates - 11 minutes Abs

I loaded the other monologue for auditions.   Just need to run them into the ground now.    

Scale is staying at 179 - although I do need to go nude for that reading.   Made a southwestern chicken soup today with the leftover chicken breast.    It's yummy

I am definitely noticing more hunger this week.   Usually I would feel that on Monday or Tuesday and it's hitting me already.    I do want to finish these 4 weeks holding strong in the 170's (even if it's just at 179)  These 10's definitely feel like their own land.   It feels more like going backwards to go up into a different 10 than it does to fluctuate pounds within a 10.   Like....Wobbling between 180 - 182 feels more acceptable than wobbling between 179 and 181 - even though it's the same 2 lbs.    

ANYway.   I'm looking forward to seeing how I react to the .50 on Wednesday.

Tomorrow or Monday I'm going to sum up my 0.25 journey.   Look back at the symptoms and reactions.  What happened over the past 4 weeks.   All of that. 

Until tomorrow...

Friday, August 30, 2024

Officially Hit 10lbs

 Weight this am - 179.0 - 10 pounds baby!   And I am now into the 170's.

Treadmill - 64 minutes at 2.5 for 3.56 miles

I WILL do pilates today dangit.   LOL

Right now I'm going to take a break and have a salad though.    Then work on audition monologues. 

Ok....yeah I didn't do Pilates.    But I did go back and look through my food and weight logs.    The early fluctuations don't correspond to anything so those were probably the water/inflammation shifts.   I also don't see specific spikes with Keto bread so I'm going to experiment with that later.   See if after a period of not having anything with gluten those affect me at all, or if the extra fiber acts as some sort of barrier.

I do see spikes with noodle soup and white bread/pretzels so that's something to keep an eye on.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Titanic Thursday

 Weight this am - 181.0 - aaarrrrgggghhh   sigh

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.5 for 3.5 miles

I'm wondering if gluten is the culprit.    I had it the past 2 days.    If I have NCGS that might explain the weight gain and diarrhea.    I've been avoiding most bread products since I started except for the occasional slice of Keto bread.  Let's see what things look like tomorrow.   

It's frustrating because I SAW the 170's just briefly and now it feels like a teaser.    Oh look...there's a seven...NAH back up we go.   I don't think I can take too much 'back up' right now.

Doing a reading of Titanic tonight.   It's the last Chaos Theatre read.   The end of an era. 

Need to do my pilates today since I missed yesterday.   I also need to start working on upstairs. 

Going to work on sticking to my salads and light meals.   Oh and continue to drown myself in water....LOL.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Final 0.25 Wednesday - Week 4 Day 1

 Weight this am - 180.4  - Another jog up.   

 I officially did not lose anything this week 8/21 I was 180.2 and today 180.4   Not what I was hoping but since I lost 5lbs in week 1 and 4 in week 2 I guess I'll take it.    I am really hoping I drop at least a lb this week so I can actually hit that 10lb loss and be in a different decade on the scale.   

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.5  for 2.72 miles

Sigh.   I'm intellectually ok with a stall since I know that overall things are good.   But there is a part of me that panics just a little bit when things aren't trending at least a little bit downwards.   

Well...looking back, I'm below where I was in February (184.5) although not down to where I got to in March (177.8)   So I'm almost to where I was when I wasn't using meds to help.   I guess my mini-mini goal is to get below 177.8.   That's only 2lbs from my lowest weight on this med.   C'mon TWO

Last 0.25 shot this morning.   Used my left thigh.   

Took photos.   I can see a tightening in my abdominal area and my waist at my belly button is down from 42 inches to 40.25.  My hips are down from 47.5 to 46.5.   Left upper arm is the same at a half inch down.  I need to add weights and toning on my arms.   My right thigh went from 26 to 24 so the walking is helping.

I do feel good about deciding to go up in dose with this plateau.   The effects are definitely less than at week 1.    Lets see where we end up by next Wednesday.    Hopefully I can officially put myself solidly in the 170's again!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

End of Week Three

 Weight this am - 179.8 - Holding just barely in the 170's.   

Treadmill - 42 minutes at 2.5

Tomorrow is day 1 of week 4.   Picture and measurements day.   

Took Rowan to Old Town today for a quick job search.   Too Quick.  Most of the stores were closed today.   We'll try again later in the week. 

Need to work on memorizing two monologues for an audition on the 8th of September.   

Someone in the group was talking about having a reverse body dysmorphic disorder and that kind of resonated with me.   My body was the same size for most of my life.   So now I don't tend to see how large I am unless I see a photo or a reflection of myself in a full length mirror.   Then it's like I am surprised by how wrong that image is in connection with what my image of myself is inside my head.    

I can't buy clothes for how I look now because I cannot see in my head myself at this size.   

I can't recognize myself because that is not how my face looked for over 40 years.   That is not how my body looked for over 40 years.   It's bizarre.   

I can't wait until I am back inside the flesh that I actually recognize as me.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Weight this am - 179.8 - I SAW A SEVEN.    0.8 lbs left until I hit 10 pounds down

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.4 for 3.41 miles

Spent part of the morning trying to find ANY pharmacy with .25 or .5 of Wegovy in stock.    Sam's Club has one of each so I called my GP to get the script transferred to them.    I'm still waiting to hear back. 

Just called and the doctor hasn't sent it over yet !!!    Because I needed stress.   That's great for my cortisol levels....HAHA not.

Today should see day 4 of 10K steps and maybe I'll add in another segment of Pilates.   Maybe not.   We'll see.    Will definitely do at least the abs.

Doctor finally called my script over to Sam's Club and Miracle of Miracles they still had the single .50 in stock.   I now have my next script.   

Did NOT get to an extra Pilates today but I did do my:

Pilates (Abs) 11 minutes

Day 4 of 4 - 10K steps.

I am exhausted and stressed after today.   I have 2 monologues to memorize for auditions but I'm going to start that tomorrow when I have a brain.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Sunday

 Weight this am - 180.2

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.3 for 3.17 miles

Weight is back down to where it was on 8/21.  I'm hoping it gets into the 170's by my next shot.   That will feel so good.   

Day 3 of 10K

Pilates (Abs) - 11 minutes

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dentist Day

 Dentist Appointment this morning for a cleaning.   I'm not a fan of Saturday appointments.   They feel rushed.   I'd much rather go on a weekday.    That said, I'm going to keep up with the brush and floss for the next 3 months.

Weight this am - 181.0  - A slight jog up but I didn't walk on Thursday or Friday, and Wednesday was exercise ball instead of steps

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.3 for 2.03 miles

Pilates (Abs) - 11 minutes

Today was a salad with bacon and hard boiled egg.   I'm just over halfway to my step goal for the day.   

Day 2 of 4 - 10K steps

Made up chicken breasts.    Vegetable Stock is in the roaster.  

Tomorrow is Sunday - New week, New Plans

Friday, August 23, 2024

Doctor Appointment

 Today was a follow up day with my PCP.    According to their scale and mine I'm down 8.4lbs overall (their scale is measuring me by about 2.6lbs less than my home scale.   I think they have it set lower to account for things like shoes)   We discussed it and sent in my script for 0.50 dose.   My pharmacy can't fill it until the 25th so now we wait.   

Weight this am - 180.6 - This is why people shouldn't worry about a pound or so fluctuation.   

Trying to bring my food choices back into alignment.   We definitely had some less than stellar options this past week and I can feel it in the *tired*   

Still having a bit of nausea in the background.  I need to make up some chicken breasts and have those as an option with my salad.   

Dentist tomorrow and then I'm good on doctors until next month.   

I feel like I'm almost in a holding pattern motivation-wise until I see that new 10 pound number.   I'm looking at you 70.   It's sooo close. 

No I have not done my walk or Pilates today.   Trying to get the background nausea cleared and honestly...I do better when I knock that out first thing in the morning.  

Lets see what tomorrow brings

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy Birthday Mark

 Today is my love's birthday.    

It is also, apparently, side effects day.    I tried to get on the treadmill and the nausea knocked me flat.   

I'm not sure if it's related to any food choices yesterday or if it's just the medicine building up and hitting me in the face, but it is definitely Not Fun.

Weight this am - 182.6   Apparently I have hit one of those fluctuations again.  This is the biggest jump I have had so far on this journey.     We'll see what tomorrow brings. 

I am not trying for steps today. 

Last night of the DNC - Lets Do This (but very gently because my stomach is

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wegovy Wednesday - Week 3 Day 1

 Week Three of 0.25

Weight this am 180.2 - down almost 9lbs and less than a lb from seeing the 170's

Waist - 40.5  - down 1.5 total and 1 from last week's measurement of 41.5

Upper arm - 13.5 - down .5 

Hips 46.8 - down almost an inch from 47.5

Right thigh - 25 - down an inch

Did NOT get to the park this morning.   I'll hop on a treadmill later.    I DID figure out that I canNOT have more than one glass of wine.  ðŸ¤¢ I had about 2-3 while chatting with a friend and woke up super nauseous and sick at 4am.     10/10 Do Not Recommend.   I'll stick with my seltzer and occasional 2-3oz mini-glass.

I got to 10K steps today.  No Pilates.   Shot day is tired day.   

Tomorrow is Mark's Birthday and we'll be doing some cleaning up upstairs so I can get on top of Appen work.   

Then the final night of the DNC    This whole thing has been just a non-stop JOYfest.   It's so uplifting and hopeful.   

We Are Not Going Back

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Walk In The Park

 Weight this am - 181.6

Walk In The Park - 2.85 miles in 1 hour

Went with Rowan to the park this morning and walked the Bike/Walk Path.   A little less distance than my 60 minutes on the treadmill but I tell you what, I'm almost done with my daily step goal.  

The DNC ran SUPER LATE last night but omg was it uplifting.    It's the first time I've seen one and this was definitely the year for it.   

I am probably going to take a wee nap/lie down because MAN was it hot outside even at 7am.   

Will do Pilates later today and tomorrow R and I are probably hitting the trails again.   

Day 7 of 8K steps - Goal Accomplished

Set a new goal of walking 10K steps for 4 days (not in a row)

Pilates done.   Took a nap.   Having Tacos for dinner.    I'm taking a break from my Smart Watch for a bit.  

Dr appointment on Friday to discuss dosage.    Dentist appointment on Saturday.

Dose 3 is tomorrow.    Off to get ready for another night of DNC

Monday, August 19, 2024

Out and About

 Took Rowan to Planned Parenthood this morning for a blood draw.   I also realized that I did NOT in fact have a Dentist appointment this morning.   Apparently an old card from last year got into the mix of current appointment cards.   Ooops.   Then we went to Best Buy so Rowan could use their gift card.   

Weight this am 181.8 - Obviously I was right not to worry about the flux.   LOL   I am soooo close to my mini-goal of 10lbs down!   And just 6-7 lbs away from my MFP goal of 175.   I can't wait until I can change that to 165 ðŸ’™

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.2 for 2.07 miles

Still have about 2k steps to go to get to 8 today.    Worst case I'll pop on the treadmill for another 15 minutes later this evening.    Right now I think my salad was a bit too heavy with the addition of steak for me to have gone for my walk.    My stomach is just a wee bit affected.

Tomorrow Rowan and I are hoping to go for an early am walk in the park on the nature trail.   I'm looking forward to that.   I'll also add pilates tomorrow since the walk will be early 

I'll check back in once I hit my 8k step goal.   

Day 6 of 8K steps - One day left to my goal

Watching the DNC and this is just FUN.   

One more day until Dose 3.   

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Grocery Day

 Weight this am - 183.4  

Treadmill - 43 minutes at 2.2 for 2.08 miles

Day 5 of 8K steps

Grocery Shopping today so my treadmill walk was definitely shorter.    I'm within 500 steps of 10K though so that's good.  

Tomorrow is Dentist for me.   Then labs for Rowan.  Then call billing for PP to credit the overcharge for future visits.

We may NOT now have an extra person.  Apparently them having a place to go has made their parent give them a year.   We'll see how that goes.   They know our door is open if this isn't what they are hoping for.  

Food is going good today.   Off to cook some steak for dinner.   Haven't had steak since I started the meds so we'll see how that goes.    

I'm not worried about the weight flux, I just look forward to seeing how everything trends.  

Two more days until Dose 3

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Re-Birthday To You

Happy Re-Birth Day to you
Happy Re-Birth Day to you
Happy Re-Birth Day Dear Daughter
Happy Re-Birth Day to you

 My darling Rowan started her gender affirming meds this morning.   This is official start of transforming her outside so that it matches her inside truth.  So today, we celebrate.

Weight this am - 183.0

Treadmill Walk - 60-ish minutes at 2.2 (3 miles)

Will do Pilates later.   I've got 1500 steps left to hit day 4 of 8k.   

Today I need to do my job searches for unemployment (probably my last check) and then tomorrow I'm looking into Appen again.   It's time. 

Day 4 of 8K steps 

Finished the livingroom so other than a few random piles (glasses for tree etc) the downstairs is at a base clean for the main areas.   I need to do the half bath and the Laundry Room but we have other concerns.

Rowan's friend needs a place to live since their parent kicked them out.    We are going to offer them the guest room but that means cleaning the whole upstairs.   We need to get that done within the next 2 weeks.   

It is never dull here.   

Going to go log food on MFP and then take a break for a bit.    I'm not sure I'm getting to Pilates today but that's ok.   I can do every other day. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Pilates Day

 I'm making a commitment to add at least a 10 minute pilates segment today.   After my walk I will need to review the videos on the server but I definitely want to start adding different ab exercises now that we are in week 2.    The 10 minute ab section of my pilates video should be a perfect next step.   I'll check back once I've accomplished that.

Yesterday evening I had Beef Pho and Jasmine tea for dinner.   Of course I ate very little of that (although I did have a slice of keto bread with peanut butter before bed.   

Weight this am - 183.6  It's slowing down but I expected that.    I also expect another jump somewhere around Monday/Tuesday if the trend stays the same.  

Hit almost 10k steps yesterday.    I'm going for 8K again today so we'll see.    About to jump on the treadmill so I'll catch back up later

Ok.  It's later

Treadmill Walk - 60 minutes at 2.2 for 2.88 miles

Pilates - 10 minutes

Day 3 of 8k steps

Beef with black bean sauce and rice

Salad with egg

Curry with brown rice.

I'm...happy.    Overall I am just content and low-key happy.    I think in addition to quietening my anxiety this is actually working on my depression.    Whatever it is...I'll take it.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Off To The Theatre

 Short post today because I am going out with friends to see a play tonight.  Soooo it's a quick update.

Weight this am 183.8 - I feel like I haven't seen the 170's in sooo long.   This gives me hope that I will be there and able to check off my 10lb loss goal by next shot day.   Fingers Crossed

Treadmill Walk - 66 minutes at 2.1 for 3.21 miles

I am less than 700 steps away from hitting Day 2 of 8k steps (I have another mini-goal of 1 week at 8K)

I haven't felt this motivated an energized since I started Keto and got my thyroid meds adjusted back in late 2018/early 2019.    

Had some beef with black bean sauce earlier.    I will probably do a small snack like a superfood bite just to not get too hungry before dinner.   

I have about an hour before I need to get ready so I think I will lie down and set an alarm.   

See ya on the flip side.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Starting the Next Cycle - Week 2 Day 1

 Well...that was a bit of a surprise.    After yesterday's indulgences I expected the scale to show at best an even progression, at worst another shift up.    But this journey is apparently full of surprises.    

Weight this am - 184.4  

That was a welcome surprise.    This means I went from 189 to 184.4 - almost 5lbs down this week.   I expect that some of this is inflammation and water weight but still.   That is the most I have seen the scale move downwards in almost 2 years.   I am cautiously optimistic that I will actually be in the 160's by my anniversary in October.     That would be fantastic.   

Observations on shot 2.   About 15 minutes after my injection the 'cloud of white noise' descended and I could feel my brain quietening.    It's just lovely.   Like silent static.    And the hunger is gone again.   No over-salivating this time either.   

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.2 for 2 miles - I went up one in speed today

Another 'side effect' I forgot to mention.   My resting heart rate is down.   It's now sitting at around 60bpm which is a definite drop.   

Had a nice salad today with avocado and chicken.   I'm going to need to make more up because that was my last piece.   Probably tomorrow or late tonight since we are doing leftovers today.  

Got some clean up done on the living room.  It should hopefully be clear for Pilates in the next couple of days.   

Now I'm just settling myself down after a stressful event.    My Dr and I forgot to send refills in for my scripts last Friday, so I had to call the office on Monday.   No script showed up at my CVS so I called back and the office had sent the refill to the wrong (now closed) CVS.   Got them to send to the correct one on Tuesday.   I get a text Tuesday that they got the scripts, they need to order Adythza (thyroid med) but are filling my BP med.   Get a text my BP med is ready.   Then today get a text that Adthyza is not eligible for refill until November (!?!?!)   Called the pharmacy and they can't help, said to call the Ins Company.   Ins Company shows my med refilled AT THAT CVS on the 13th (?!?!?! - again)   and they don't understand why CVS did not call them.   Ins tries to call CVS and gets voicemail but will follow up tomorrow am if it's not resolved.    Then I try to call CVS again and the automated line is now apparently defaulting me to their prescriber line (?!?!?! - one more time)   While I'm fighting with this I get a call from CVS (that went to voicemail because ....phones)   My script is resolved and will be ready by 6pm today.     

JESUS- FUCK that was a friggin moment.    

I am definitely done for the day...LOL!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

One Day More

 Tomorrow is shot day again so I have almost officially completed my first week.    I noticed the tapering off of a symptom this morning and that made me realize I forgot to log it so here goes.  

For a while now, but especially since peri-menopause and menopause, I am always warm.   We have the AC high at night because otherwise I will wake up overheating.    The night after I took my first dose I was chilly when trying to go to sleep and I woke up cold.    I wound up wrapping myself in a fuzzy blanket on the couch.    

This morning I noticed that I woke up and felt warm.   Not HOT.  Just warm enough that I needed to throw off the covers.    I realized then that it's been a very gradual warming up over the course of the week.   I've been enjoying not feeling like I'm baking from the inside out so I'm hoping the chilly returns after tomorrow.  

Weight this am - 186   up a wee bit again but fluctuations are to be expected.   We'll see what tomorrow morning brings but it's  looking like I can count this as officially 3 lbs this week.    Even though that may just be water weight and inflammation...I'll take it.   

Treadmill Walk - 43 mins at 2.1 for 1.56 miles

Sleep was decent but I woke up early (which is fine).    Made Turkey Curry last night.   I'm about to head to Costco for a quick shop but I'll come back to this later.   

It's later...

I'm noticing that symptoms have tapered of drastically today.   I've felt much more hungry today.  I actually wanted to snack.   So, the day before my dose is when the effects of the first shot tapered off.  Hunger is back and so is feeling warm.     

Had a salad for lunch.  A new snack called "VERI Superfood Bites", I had blueberries in almond milk, Beef in black bean sauce for dinner and an ice cream.    OH and about 6 ounces of red wine cut with a can of Rose flavor seltzer.    

Tomorrow I want to put in a calendar reminder to do weight, body scan, photos and measurements four weeks out from my first dose so I can sync everything up.   

Soooo....tomorrow is dose number two.    I'm not worried if weight is up a bit in the morning because I know today was a hungry day.   We'll see how things go once I take the second pen. 

On to week two

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tracking Inches

 It's Monday!   That means in two days we move on to dose two and see how that goes.   I promised yesterday to give you more of an update today and we'll get there...but first - STATS!   I added measurements this morning (before we get too far in) so let's start with a breakdown.

Weight this am - 185.8 (back up a teeny bit but I DID have a margarita last night)

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.1 for 1.76 miles

Waist - 41.5 so down 1/2 an inch

Upper Arm - 14 inches

Hips - 47.5 inches

Right Thigh - 26 inches (ya'll,  my waist used to be this size!)

I'm tempted to go dig up my pre-Arietta-pregnancy measurements just to look back at Me At 30...maybe later.

Last night was lovely and I had a blast.    Unfortunately my sleep was NOT as good last night (kept waking up)  We'll see if that is an effect of the meds or the margarita.   (Don't tell the 'Rita but I'm blaming her ðŸ˜‰)   Either way it was worth it because I got to spend time with some awesome people.  

Now onto the side effect I forgot to note until I was chatting with someone.    Food Noise.   Although in my case it's more Life Noise.    Wegovy is supposed to quiet Food Noise.   That's one of the ways it works to stop people from eating when they aren't actually hungry.  I've never really experienced Food Noise.   I don't have food cravings or overwhelming thoughts of food.   What I do have is way too many voices in my head ... or around it.    Constant inner monologues (yes plural) which can be stressful at times.   One of the first things I noticed after the shot was something I initially classified as static.   Like an almost-buzzing in my ears, but not actually IN my ears.    I was describing it later to a friend as a kind of cloud.  

Since I took the first dose I have almost a cloud of white noise (but SILENT white noise) surrounding my brain.   I don't have extra thoughts going on.    At night I can fall asleep now by actually just closing my book and putting my head on the pillow.   No background music, no ear plugs, no reading until I doze off.   Just putting my head down and closing my eyes!  This is NOT something I've been able to do for a Looooong time.    And I like it.    It's calm.  And it's peaceful.   I haven't had a quiet brain for as long as I can remember.    This is definitely a side effect that I am very happy to keep.

Food-wise today has been salad and I was going to make turkey soup but I think I'm switching to curry instead.    

OH!   and I found a new favorite snack....frozen blueberries in almond milk.   Looove it!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quick Update

 Super Quick update today because it's late.

Weight this am - 185.4

Treadmill Walk - 45 mins at 2.1 for 1.88 miles

I'll talk more about the side effects I forgot to log when I'm not doing this at bedtime.   Went to see my friends in a show today, which was a lot of fun.   Went out to dinner afterwards and got to hang out with a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while.   

Kept my food intake good and didn't order bigger than I could eat.   Had the Ceviche, a few chips and salsa, topo chico and ONE cucumber margarita.    

Will catch up tomorrow when I have more time and don't have a Two Margarita husband spouting political opinions over my head.     

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Wegovy Train is chugging along

 No real side effects today.    Sleep was decent.   I'm noticing that while I don't specifically have "food noise" my brain does have noise.    Usually 5000 thoughts going on all over the place.    What I've noticed since Wednesday is that it almost feels like I have a low static or cloud surrounding my head.   My "thought noise" is dampened, which means my brain feels quieter and calmer.    I'm dealing with life without the extra stress.   

On to today:

Weight this am - 185.8   HOWEVER I logged it as 186 because there was some scale hovering

Treadmill - 43 minutes - I went up in speed from 2.0 to 2.1 for 1.87 miles.   I'm going to increase speed every couple of days until I get back to 3.5 and then I may look at adding some incline.   

Right now I'm staying on treadmill but I want to look at adding Pilates for toning next week.

Had a BLT this morning and looking at making some broccoli/cauliflower cheese soup tonight.   I know that my calories are low but I want to listen to my body and only eat when hungry.   

This weekend my plan is to finish getting the downstairs cleaned so I can workout in the living room.  Today I'm trying to get everything back to zero so tomorrow can focus on the last bit of the living room. It's been a journey but the house was overdue for a deep-clean anyway.    I'm hoping to work on my shelves next week and then I can focus on organizing my library.    

Looking forward to the rest of this crazy train-ride and definitely planning on focusing on the journey.

Friday, August 9, 2024

One Day At A Time

 One more day on the Wegovy train.   Saw my doctor this morning for my lab follow-up.   My thyroid numbers are good.   My cholesterol is good.   My liver numbers are back up but I was definitely drinking more the past few months.    Overall we are pleased.    Set my next appointment in 2 weeks which will be 2 days after my 3rd Wegovy dose.   We should know better then how I'm doing and have time to get the script in for the next batch.    Will probably try to go up to 0.5 but if that is not in stock we have the flexibility to stay on .25 as long as that is available. 

I also got the GABA supplement so that is going onto my nightime meds tonight.  

As an addendum to yesterday:  made Turkey Vegetable soup and had a small bowl with some noodles.   Also had about a half a glass of white wine.   I cut it with the Waterloo Mojito Mocktail Seltzer (no sugar, no alcohol)   It was nice to treat myself since I did do 40 minutes of treadmill yesterday.

On to today:

Weight this am - 187

Treadmill - 42 minutes at 2.0 for 1.43 miles

Slept better last night.   I don't get anything close to nausea unless I don't eat when I'm hungry.    Had a salad with chicken again this morning and made more chicken up for the rest of the week.  Treated with a Keto Salted Caramel Bar after my walk. 

Today was picture day.   I did front/side/back photos.    I'll redo those in a month I think.   Probably sync everything up (scan, waist measurement, photos) to the same day each month for simplicity.  This weekend I may add in other measurements but we'll see. 

On another note, I did find out that they cast based on fight ability/agility.   So essentially my weight/fitness actually did get in the way of my work.  This experience has really made me conscious that I have a pattern of giving more than required and then feeling like that should carry some weight (no pun intended).   I'm learning that people will take whatever you are willing to give, but that in no way means they feel obligated to return more than they originally intended.   

I'm going to put ME first now.    I will add a couple of conflicts to rehearsal schedules to make sure I take time for myself and am not the only person always available.   I will no longer just volunteer my personal belongings to make it easier on the theatre company when doing so is only for their good and not my own.    I will no longer invest more energy in a production than is required for me to simply fulfil my obligation to the role.    

My obligation is to me now.   

"I am the one thing in life I can control

I am inimitable I am an original~ Hamilton

And I'm no longer willing to just let people just take

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Another Day - Another Tool

Yesterday was a bit of an up and down day for me mood-wise. 

On the up side -  I started back up tracking food on MyFitnessPal.   I found some yummy low carb snacks at Sprouts.   Harvest Snaps is the brand.   Wound up having 2 small bags with some ginger/lime seltzer.    Then I rounded out my day with an apple, a salad with lemon/dijon chicken, and water + Pellegrino in the evening.    

Unfortunately I found out that I did NOT get cast in a play that I was REALLY looking forward to doing.   I actually recommended this play to the theatre company and introduced them to the author which my got them a preview copy to read over.    So it feels a bit dismissive not being asked to work on this production.   There is a part of me that feels like I need to stop just GIVING so much and being so invested when it's obviously not a mutual thing....but that is a whole nother subject and post.

Back to the journey.   This experience made me feel even more like my weight is getting in the way of doing what I love which just makes me more committed to this.

Last night I had a bit of trouble sleeping, which was probably a combo of meds and mental.   I had a bit of heartburn and some nausea so I grabbed 2 tums in the middle of the night.   Woke up with a very mild headache.

OH I should log what meds I use as well.    Right now daytime is NDT thyroid meds, Biotin, Vitamin D and I added B12 back in yesterday.   Night is BP med, melatonin, magnesium and CBD oil.   Need to add GABA back in when I go to the doctor tomorrow. 

Weight this am - 188

I added me360 app and did a full body scan this morning.   Measurement was within 1/2 an inch of what I measured for waist yesterday.   

Going to have salad later and make a turkey vegetable soup for dinner.    

Planning on a 30-40 minute treadmill session since I feel pretty good and I'll get back to detail cleaning the downstairs since I'm very close to finishing. 

I will probably keep this daily for a bit but I expect to shift to once or twice a week as things progress.

Treadmill - 43 minutes at 2.0 for 1.42 miles

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Different Road - Week 1 Day 1

 Even with all of my health issues...I never thought it would come to this.    Sure, my Hashimotos made gaining weight way too easy... and I had to struggle with medications and finding the right doctor and dose and diet.    But when all of that was aligned and I disciplined myself to stick to a body behaved.     

Covid changed all that.    Ever since I got it (even though I was vaccinated and it was "relatively" mild) my tried and true methods no longer work.   

My medication and lab levels are great....I gain weight

My diet is perfect...I gain weight 

I exercice...I gain weight 

Well, today, with the help of Wegovy, I hope to change all of that.    

I'm coming back to blogging and I'm going to chronicle this new chapter.    Let's see if Diet, Dosage, and Discipline will work again with Wegovy.

Starting Dose - 0.25mg

Starting Weight - 189lbs

Waist - 42 inches

Micro goal - 175lbs 

Ultimate goal - 120lbs

Diet is  low carb, low to no processed food, no added sugar.    Mainly vegetables and protein with some fruit.    Minimal dairy.

Exercice is treadmill and pilates for now with others added as viable.

First dose was at 9am today.   Injection in lower stomach.   It's super easy to administer.  I had a slice of low carb bread with the injection to settle my stomach and since then have had a small salad and seltzer.    

I'm salivating a bit more than normal so I'm just maintaining fluids.   There is a very very light ache at injection site.   I'm keeping today low key while I see how my body reacts.

Here's to first steps on a journey back to health