Sunday, September 1, 2024

I Matched March

 Back on August 28th I posted about looking back over the past year, and how my lowest weight was in March of 2024 when I registered 177.8.   I matched March today!

Weight this am - 177.8

I had a headache this am.   I think I was a bit shy on my water/seltzer intake yesterday so I have to watch that.   Next goal weight is 175.   That has been my goal since I was 184.5 back in February.   It would be nice to finally get that done and be able to focus on my next goal. 

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.5 for 3.44 miles

Definitely want to do Pilates later and we need to make up a shopping list.

Pilates - Done (abs only)

Shopping list made.

Monologues run.    

I'm thinking probably Tuesday will be my look back and recap for Month 1.

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