Friday, September 6, 2024

New Goals

 Weight this am - 176.4

Treadmill - 51 minutes at 2.5 for 3.01 miles

Not feeling great although my ear hurts less than yesterday so I think it's definitely something sinus related.   My throat is a bit iffy too.    Taking things a bit easier today.   

I decided to go back over all the weights I recorded since I started MFP in 2015 (I have only 1 weigh-in in 2013)  and make a chart.    That way I can mark out each lower weight as I hit it.   There is a data gap in 2021 but you can definitely see the shift from 2020 and under (highest weight was 155) and after covid where I'm in the 170 and up range.  

Right now I have an impressive amount of blue.   Just over 6 lbs left until I color in  ALL of 2022 and 2023!  Then it's a 15lb gap until I get back to 2020 and 155

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