Sunday, September 29, 2024

Getting Closer

 Weight this am - 171

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

I finally hit a new whole number.    I'm within 2lbs of my next goal now.   And just over a pound til I see a 6.   It feels so close and yet so far away.    I'm just wondering if I can get there by Wednesday, since that is not just shot day but also New Dose Day. 

I did a speed step on the treadmill today to get my 3 miles in quicker.   It worked. I'm thinking of starting to switch up exercises.   Do Treadmill on like 3 or 4 days and commit to doing a workout video on the other days.   Something more than just 10 minutes.   20-40 depending on the intensity.   I think that might help switch things up.   I'd really like to tone up and decrease my arms and my stomach.   

My MFP celebrated me today for 18lbs down.   The problem I'm having is that I still can't get rid of any clothing.    You'd think with an almost 20 pound loss, that something would stop fitting.    I know that my clothing fits better now.   And I can wear some of my t-shirts again without looking like an overstuffed sausage.   B.U.T.  ... I would really really like to be able to pack SOMEthing away.   

Soon, right?    Hopefully soon. 

Two more days til I go up another dose.   

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