Sunday, October 6, 2024

Officially 20lbs Down

 Weight this am - 168.8

No Exercise

Firstly - I HIT TWENTY POUNDS GONE.   I got to mark off another mini-goal and reset my goal on My Fitness Pal.   I'm now shooting for 159 (after that it will be 150 and then decrease by increments of 5lbs)

Progress photos were updated.   You can really see the difference in the side view.   I'm losing the stomach from the top   Eventually my biggest pants will stop fitting.   Eventually.    I can't wait.

Too much wine last night.   Hence the no exercise.   Besides, my thighs still hurt...LOL.     Back on the wagon tomorrow. 

This is the decade of weight that I have been waiting to access.   I don't have any data on these pounds so hopefully I can get through this one relatively quickly.   Then we can move on to the numbers I am all too familiar with.  

Slow and steady.   As long as it's steady I don't mind the slow.    ;)

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