Weight this am - 154.8
On the eve of the end of the year AND the eve of the end of my 5th 'month' of Wegovy, I'm sitting here in a Limbo of my own making. Waiting for the year to end, the ball to drop, the scale to move. I don't know what it is about New Years and why we insist on waiting to start plans on some arbitrary date...but there you have it. Somehow there is a kind of collective magic in the idea of a fresh slate. It's like a clean page in a new notebook.
Beginnings. We have a love affair with beginnings.
Tomorrow Cheri and I kick off our new Health and Fitness support group. I'm off to go write up some posts to set the stage. Then it's time to pull out the bins and start collecting up Christmas so tomorrow it can all get packed away.
Time to pack away the year, with all it's highs and lows, and open up the first blank page of 2025. Let's make this a good story this year.