Weight this am - 155.4
Super close to the next number I can check off on my chart. There are 2 more weights in the abyss that was 2021 and then I'm into 2020 and beyond. Once I check off 155 and 154 I'm officially below all recorded 2021 weights. And when I check off 150.2 and 147.8 I'll will be below any weight after Covid Lock-down.
My next Mini mini-goal is to hit the halfway mark. Then I'm moving to round numbers and doing the 150, 145 etcs.
I did get an hour in on my Task and I'll be getting back to that later today.
Last night I also had a 1.7 reaction to food. I **thought** I was hungry when I got home and had some Birds-eye veggie pasta mac-n-cheese. Obviously Wegovy did NOT like that choice because I did not retain that meal. LOL. First time I've had a food choice purge on this med. I'll make better choices, I promise.
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