Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Yard Time - Week 11 Day 1

 Weight this am - 166.6 

Finally.    My lowest weight falls on shot day!   That probably won't happen next week but I can take the win this week.     I'm sure it will be back up tomorrow.     LOL.   

Today is supposed to be the start of yard work.     I'll need a minute to wake up after last night but I'll get there.  Also need to call the pharmacy to see if they have 1.0 in.    I think a second month on this one isn't unreasonable.   

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Anniversary - End of Week 10

 Weight this am - 167.4

It's starting to trend down again...which is a good thing.   We'll see what it logs at tomorrow for weigh-in and shot day.    

Today is our Wedding Anniversary.   30 years together and 27 married.   It's been three decades now and I can't imagine it being any other way.   

Time to get to cleaning upstairs.   Get the guest room in order for the holidays.    Then we'll figure out what we are doing for dinner.  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Right Back Up

 Weight this am - 168

And of course it jumps right back up.   I love how it does a dip down like "coming attractions".   Next week on "Days of Your Wegovy"...   LOL

It's a standard trend.    I'm not worried about it.   It's gratifying seeing new low numbers even if they don't stay.   I know it means they will come back, and each new low is another step on the ladder.   

This week is deep cleaning.   We got the game room back in order.    Tomorrow is my office.   Then we switch to outside and tackle the flowerbeds and driveway and garage.     Finally we return the downstairs to normal.     

Thaddeus came over and we all played Trivial Pursuit (a LOTR and Harry Potter combo game)    So much fun to get to use the game room again.   

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Underwear From WHERE?

 Weight this am - 166.6

So we started our morning with the mysterious case of the unknown underwear.    We were clearing out the pockets in the rolling cooler we took with us to PRIDE festival yesterday and out of the front zipper pocket Mark pulls A PAIR OF FEMALE UNDERWEAR.     *I* do not recognize them.   *HE* does not recognize them.   NONE of us know when or how or WHY they got into the cooler.   *blink*    It's a mystery.

SUPER happy about my weight this morning.   It has officially kicked me down into the next BMI category!!   My BMI is under 30!   WOOHOO.   

Wound up missing exercise.    I'm tired and we have a busy week.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 Weight this am - 167.6

Exercise - going to PRIDE in The Woodlands so expecting to walk a lot.  

Holy Crap.   That's almost a pound overnight.     Getting closer!   My BMI just hit 30 even so I'm sooooo close to being down a category!

Pride was amazing and I am exhausted.

Friday, October 11, 2024

A Little Friday Dip

 Weight this am - 168.4

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.8 for 3 miles

New low today.   Granted it's only by .4lbs but it's a new drop.   Now to just keep that going.   

My former "large" belt that I outgrew when the weight went crazy after covid still doesn't fit (I'm obviously losing from the ribs but it's slowly getting closer.   Another inch or 2 off the belly button and I'll be able to buckle it in the largest hole.   I can't wait. 

My BMI is also creeping closer to being just 'overweight' instead of 'obese'.  I think hitting 165 is about where it shifts to 29.    AND if my boobs weren't in the way (they are so freaking huge) I could probably see to shave my privates.   That'll be the day, huh?   LOL

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

 Weight this am - 169.2

Exercise - 21 Day Fix Day 2

I knew it.   Of course the weight is back   I'd really like to see a bit more movement on the scale.  I've been averaging in at closer to a pound a week and I'd really love to see a few more 2lb weeks.   We'll see how it goes. 

I've switched up the exercise scheduling a bit.   Doing HIIT days 1, 3, and 5 on either Mon OR Tues depending on week.   Doing HIIT days 2, 4, and 6 on Thurs OR Friday.   Doing Day 7 on Sat OR Sun.    This gives me the ability to NOT do HIIT the day BEFORE weigh in.    

Today was arm day.   My upper arms REALLY need the toning so that's awesome.   I'm still modifying a lot.   If I can't do an exercise I just switch out to something else for that minute.   Like today was push-ups.  I tried and got about 3 in before it stopped being possible.   So instead I got up and did bicep curls.   I'm not going to force the impossible when I can make progress with the doable.    

Taking it a bit easier this week since next week is cleaning and I can totally see that being much more strenuous.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

White Noise - Week 10 Day 1

 Weight this am - 170.2

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.8 for 3 miles

I probably shouldn't have done HIIT THE DAY BEFORE my weekly weigh-in.   LOL   Shot up a pound from yesterday and the day before.    The scale just couldn't give me an official SIX on my recording day.


It's my own fault, I know that HIIT makes me jump a bit from the muscle work.   Over time it'll be advantageous though, since muscle burns calories better.    NEXT week.   Next week my weigh in WILL be a six dammit.   

The Brain Static was SUPER STRONG with this shot.    Hopefully that's a really good sign. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

It's a FIX day - End of Week 9

 Weight - 169.2

Exercise - 21 Day Fix Day 1

Holding steady at just over 169.    Maybe tomorrow will put me at or below the full 20lbs.   At least I've SEEN it.   Today was also the start of my 21 Day Fix inclusion.   Friday will be Day 2 followed by Day 7 this and every Sunday.    I will possibly try out the 10 min ab addition on one of my Treadmill days.    

I'm definitely starting to feel a  I guess is a word.    Like my thyroid meds might be a hair too high and I'm operating on a higher vibrational frequency than normal.   But only a teeny bit.   We have a full evaluation coming up next? week.   So we'll see where all the numbers are.    It'll be interesting to navigate that because I definitely don't want to drop dosage too fast.   

Ready to hit up week two of this 1.0 dose.   I'm really loving it. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Get into the Groove

 Weight this am - 169.2

Treadmill - 44 minutes at 2.8 for 3 miles

I was expecting the jump up.   I was lightly dehydrated this morning.  It's still a good start and we'll see how the week goes.

This is the unknown weight decade.   My last pre-covid weight was 160.   My first post-covid weight was 173.   The decade of the 60's happened over the course of one month.   Once I hit my next mini-goal of 159 I will be back in mostly familiar territory.   This feels like the point where I have to grit my teeth, put my nose to the grindstone and all of those familiar axioms.    On that note...

Exercise routine will switch up this week.   21 Day Fix has 7 different workouts meant to be rotated through Monday through Sunday (or whichever equivalent week alignment works or you)   With my reaction to Day 1 I don't want to overload myself.   Consequently I will be breaking it out like this: 2 days a week plus Day 7 every Sunday.   Day 7 is a Yoga/stretching day.   It's meant as a recovery.   
The schedule will look like this:
                    Week 1 =  4 Treadmill days - 21 Day Fix - 1 & 2 -  21 Day Fix 7 on Sunday
                    Week 2 =  4 Treadmill days - 21 Day Fix - 3 & 4 -  21 Day Fix 7 on Sunday
                    Week 3 =  4 Treadmill days - 21 Day Fix - 5 & 6 -  21 Day Fix 7 on Sunday

Then I can repeat that schedule.     My Fix days will Tues and either Thurs or Fri <depending on how I feel after my injection on Wed.  

I'm so ready to be back in a body I at least remember.   

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Officially 20lbs Down

 Weight this am - 168.8

No Exercise

Firstly - I HIT TWENTY POUNDS GONE.   I got to mark off another mini-goal and reset my goal on My Fitness Pal.   I'm now shooting for 159 (after that it will be 150 and then decrease by increments of 5lbs)

Progress photos were updated.   You can really see the difference in the side view.   I'm losing the stomach from the top   Eventually my biggest pants will stop fitting.   Eventually.    I can't wait.

Too much wine last night.   Hence the no exercise.   Besides, my thighs still hurt...LOL.     Back on the wagon tomorrow. 

This is the decade of weight that I have been waiting to access.   I don't have any data on these pounds so hopefully I can get through this one relatively quickly.   Then we can move on to the numbers I am all too familiar with.  

Slow and steady.   As long as it's steady I don't mind the slow.    ;)

Saturday, October 5, 2024


 Weight this am - 170.2

Treadmill - 52 min at 2.5 for 3 miles

Even with the hot bath last night I woke up sore.   Didn't realize it until I tried to stand up.   My thighs, specifically inner thighs are Sooooo Sore.   That's also why the scale is up.  Water retention and inflammation from the work out.    It's all good.  Hopefully this will be the push to get me at or under 169 so I can update everything.     I'm losing a bit of hope that I'll hit 165 by my anniversary but I'll keep on pushing.   

I'm reflecting on yesterday and I think that a lot of it is that I am angry with myself for getting to this size.   I need 'me' back.   

Going out tonight to see a friend for their birthday.   I'm going to do at least a little bit with my weights and crunches before we head out. <Update: did NOT do weights and crunchs>   Hopefully tomorrow brings a better number.

Friday, October 4, 2024

New Exercise = Shake Shake Shake

 Weight this am - 169.4

Exercise:  21 Day Fix - Day 1 - Full Body Cardio HIIT - 35 minutes

Every muscle in my body is vibrating and I almost puked during the cool down stretch.   LOL   And I haven't even eaten yet!     Switching it up.

Inching ever closer to that mini-goal.   I'm so ready for my next set of progress photos.   COME ON 0.4 POUNDS.   Lets goooooo!!!

Forgot to mention the new symptom I noticed this morning...hiccups.   This is like the 3rd or so time it's hit me since Wednesday.    They are not long, only like 5-10 total and then done.   They are not violent like some hiccups are, just light ones.   But they come apropo of nothing and I don't normally have hiccups unless I have wine (which has not been the case).     It's an interesting symptom. 

So...remember that play I mentioned way back in week one?   I found out today that they had to replace an actor with a family conflict.     Now I live literally FIVE minutes from the theatre, memorization is my super power and have exactly ZERO things going on.    They called in someone who not only lives over half and hour away but who works full time and is in another production that is running concurrently with this one (afternoons instead of evenings).   She's skinny though so there's that <eyeroll>

But sure, tell me again that size wasn't a factor.  

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Weight this am - 169.6 !!!

Treadmill - 46 minutes at 2.8 for 3 miles - no interval

OMG.   It is finally a SIX.   I have not had a six on the scale since before I had Covid.    I am FINALLY below my last 2022 weight.     Thank you 1.0!

Pre-Covid here we come!    

I need to remember that I should exercise BEFORE I eat.    I normally do but I got distracted this morning.   At least I did get it in.  

Still no real interest in food.   I can feel the subtle signals that tell me I'm hungry but I don't want to eat just to eat. 

I am .6lbs away from my next progress photos and setting my next goal.   I'm going to move it to round numbers (160 then 150) because once I hit 150 I'm shifting to 5lb goals and photos. 

Let's see what tomorrow does.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wegovy Wednesday - Week 9 Day 1

 Weight this am - 171.4

Treadmill - 51 minutes at 2.8 for 3 miles

I am going to go back and adjust my reflections and make sure I add measurements on the first and last day to create a trail of inches lost per month.    I can measure at other times but I think a consistent set time-frame will work well going forward. 

Definitely NOT interested in food today.    Someone posted a photo of a pizza loaded with sausage and pepperoni and my whole body viscerally recoiled.     The food aversions are strong with this

Reflections - Month 2

Looking Back on Month Two:   Not as much change as I would LIKE and I didn't hit my goal.  BUT...I lost each week.  Part of that is on me for not upping my exercise sooner.   Time to move on to a new dosage.


9/4 - 9/11 - 177.8 to 175  - 2.8lbs

9/11 - 9/18 - 175 to 173.6 - 1.4lbs

9/18 - 9/25 - 173.6 to 172.6 - 1.0lb

9/25 - 10/2 - 172.6 to 171.4 - 1.2lb

Month 2 Total - 6.4


Month Start:
                Waist - 40.25
                Hips - 46.5
                Thigh - 23
                Bicep - 13.5

9/10 - Measurements:
                Waist - 40
                Hips - 45.75
                Thigh - 23
                Bicep - 13

9/12 - Photographs (Goal Pants #1) - 174.8lbs

9/25 - Measurements
                Waist - 39.5
                Hips - 45
                Thigh - 22,75
                Bicep - 13

Month End:                            Change:
Waist - 39                     Waist - 1.25
                Hips -  45                      Hips - 1.5
                Thigh - 22.5                 Thigh - 0.5
                Bicep - 13                     Bicep - 0.5

Symptoms/Side Effects:

9/4 - 9/10 - Not Hungry.   Fatigue.  Quiet Brain reaction not noticeable. Bad panic reaction 9/10 over night, possibly related to alcohol

9/11 - 9/17 - Slight nausea Wed. Some fatigue - upped B12 - Some sleep issues.

9/18 - 9/24 - On and off light nausea, some fatigue. 

9/25 - 10/1 - Hunger is back.   No nausea


9/4 - 9/10 - Treadmill (a bit light) - no pilates or extra exercise - Missed some days. 

9/11 - 9/17 - Treadmill (light) - no pilates - missed days

9/18 - 9/24 - Yeah, I totally missed my treadmill except for the 23rd

9/25 - 10/1 - Treadmill - better but still lighter than it should be - no pilates.   Added some arm exercises with weights.  Added incline to treadmill.   9/30 - 1 mile at 2  10/1 - 1/2 mile at 4, 1/2 mile at 3, 1/2 mile at 2

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Last Day of 0.5 - Last Day of Week 8

 Weight this am - 170.6

Treadmill - 50 min at 2.7 for 3 miles  4 incline for .5 mile - 3 incline for .5 mile - 2 incline for .5 mile

It's a new number day.   Tomorrow I post my 2nd "Reflections" and start my next dosage up.    At least the 'down-up-down-up-up-down-up-down" keeps ending on a slightly lower "down".     I'll know tomorrow what my total loss is for this 4 week period.   I mean, I'd be THRILLED if I saw a six...I'd be excited if I got to check off my final square of post-Jan-2022 data.   But so long as I'm ending the week lower than I began...I'm happy.   

Did a bit of light weights and crunches as well.   I'm trying to add a wee bit of other toning.   And yes...I did light about doing a DVD...but I DID add lots more incline to my walking.   Every little bit, right?

Tomorrow we round another bend in the Wegovy Journey.   I'm looking forward to more good things

Monday, September 30, 2024

Another Manic Monday

 Weight this am - 171.4  

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.8 (1 mile at 2.0 incline) for 3 miles

And ... up we go again.   That damn 169 just keeps waving at me as I sit here and hover around 2 pounds out.    I was hoping to be there by the end of September.   Obviously that isn't happening.    Reset my goal date to Oct 15...which is also my goal date for 165 so we'll see what happens.   

Going to   Going to DO an exercise DVD tomorrow instead of treadmill.   Something like Tai-Bo if I can find that.    Maybe 21 Day Fix.   Just modify exercises and do squats or weights for the ones I cannot do (Surrenders I am side-eyeing you)   I need to switch it up a bit

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Getting Closer

 Weight this am - 171

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

I finally hit a new whole number.    I'm within 2lbs of my next goal now.   And just over a pound til I see a 6.   It feels so close and yet so far away.    I'm just wondering if I can get there by Wednesday, since that is not just shot day but also New Dose Day. 

I did a speed step on the treadmill today to get my 3 miles in quicker.   It worked. I'm thinking of starting to switch up exercises.   Do Treadmill on like 3 or 4 days and commit to doing a workout video on the other days.   Something more than just 10 minutes.   20-40 depending on the intensity.   I think that might help switch things up.   I'd really like to tone up and decrease my arms and my stomach.   

My MFP celebrated me today for 18lbs down.   The problem I'm having is that I still can't get rid of any clothing.    You'd think with an almost 20 pound loss, that something would stop fitting.    I know that my clothing fits better now.   And I can wear some of my t-shirts again without looking like an overstuffed sausage.   B.U.T.  ... I would really really like to be able to pack SOMEthing away.   

Soon, right?    Hopefully soon. 

Two more days til I go up another dose.   

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday In The Park

 Weight this am - 172.2

No Treadmill

Specifically Saturday at Arts In The Park/Shakespeare In The Park.   We went to go see our friends do Hamlet and then wound up out with some of the cast afterwards.   That was nice.    

Of course we met up at Crust so I had pizza and, this time, wine.   Very Very small

I miss the camaraderie of doing shows.   Love my theatre friends.     It's nice to start getting back in touch with people again.  In Person

Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday = A Drop

 Weight this am - 171.2

Treadmill - 52 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

Meet-up at the Brewery was so much fun.   Had a slice of pizza and a couple of beers (3 sampler and 2? half pours over 3 hours)   I was saying last night to my accountability group - this will either cause a jump or my body wanted a cheat day and will drop.   

And here we have a 1.2 pound loss.   LOL.   Bodies are weird.   I would really really like to hit my next goal of 169 so I can do photos again.  

The 160's feel like they will be an interesting change.   That is the weight I didn't really log.   The void of Covid.  That land between the BEFORE and the AFTER

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Meet-Up

 Weight this am - 172.4   I would really appreciate this trending downwards again sometime soon.  

Treadmill - 52 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

I'm feeling like I did when the scale was getting close to the 70's.   SUPER impatient and just really wanting it to continue to trend down (even slowly) instead of the see-saw effect.    It's like 171 was a tease and then the scale goes...nope.  rebound.  

Tonight is supposed to be a meet-up with a secular group down in Old Town.   Should be fun, hopefully.   

Looking over my charts and I know the thigh measurements aren't totally accurate. I'm pretty sure I was measuring higher up for a while there but that's ok.   It's still something to track. 

I have definitely adapted to the medication because I am hungry much more frequently.   I'm having more trouble falling asleep too.    However the desire to drink anything is still suppressed, which is great.   I was definitely drinking way too much.   I think it was a leftover from 2016 and then the 2020 lockdown.   

Breaking Habits. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Time to Push - Week 8 Day 1

 Weight this am 172.6 - Lost 1lb this week.

No Treadmill - shot day

Spent the day compiling all my prior measurements into charts.  That way I can tick off all sorts of boxes.  

This is the final week on 0.5 so I need to do some pushing if I want to get my final weight box ticked off for 2023 before I start 1.0.    I'm so close.    2.4lbs to match 170.2, 2.8 lbs to see a 6 on the scale, and 3.6lbs to hit 169.    We.  Can.  Do.  This!

No side effects AT ALL today after the shot so it is definitely time to move on up a dose.   

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bookstores and Brunch

 Weight this am - 172.6

No Treadmill 

And back up we go.   Tomorrow is shot day so that weight will be my final check-in for weight this week.   We'll see what the numbers bring.  

Arietta and I went to a used bookstore In. A. House.   It was lovely.    Just a winding labyrinth of tomes.    Arietta got a Very Expensive edition of The Hobbit.

Then we had lunch at Flower Child.   Afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble and I replaced my missing copy of Shogun. 

I also removed myself from someone on Facebook.     She posted a rather *punch down* comment about people on Wegovy/Ozempic.   When I called it out and shared my struggle her response was "I was just joking".   When I responded that those of us experiencing this really don't find it amusing,  she doubled down in her reply and then changed her post to almost blame anyone who might be offended.    Never once took any responsibility for her words.   That isn't something or someone I need in my life right now.  

Last dose of 0.5 tomorrow!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday Means Movement

 Weight this am - 172  

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

Back to the treadmill!  Yay!    I'm proud of myself.    Not as early in the day as I would like but I'll get there.    

Goals this week:  

        Treadmill every weekday

        Clean my office

        Clean Game Room

        Prepare Library Shelves

I will come back and check these off with a *date completed* once they are done.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Blessed Mabon

Weight this am - 171.8

No treadmill.    

Here I was thinking I'd have a tick up this morning.  Instead I went down AND got to tick another box off on my weight chart.  Only ONE weight left (170.2) and then I will be below my "after covid" weight. 

Next milestones are 169 (20lbs), 165 (anniversary wish), and 159 (30lbs).   After that I'm revisiting my 2018/2019 journey. 

Went grocery shopping today.    I've got some good meals planned out for the week.    

I'll take photos and measurements again when I hit 169.   Less than 3lbs to go!   

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Do You Remember...

 The 21st day of September...

Weight this am - 173

I'm having a hard time with the exercising.    Really need to get my ass in gear.   

New Week - New Start 

Need to start kicking it up a notch if I want the 160s.    I'm so ready to get back into numbers I haven't seen since 2021.   

Once I hit maintenance dose I will probably taper off from daily posts. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Visit

 Weight this am - 172.8. 

No treadmill - walked dogs with my mom

Didn't see a weight jump with the pretzels yesterday but did have loose stools today.  So I guess if I get backed up I'll start with gluten.  So I guess I can have it sparingly.

About 1/2 a pound away from my next highlight square on my chart.   I would REALLY like to get down to 169 by the time I start 1.0.    I'm trying very hard to be patient and most of the time I do ok.   It's just sometimes that I get antsy about having my body back.   Maybe if inches were dropping I'd be more patient. 

Saw my mom today, dropped off her kindle cover.  

Hopefully we will get a temperature drop soon.  That always motivates me.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

2nd Dr Appt

 Weight this am - 173.4

No treadmill 

Script was sent over for 1.0 and anti-nausea meds (in case)   I should be picking both up tomorrow. 

Had a pretzel craving so I'm having some today.  We'll see how I react.

BP was low at the Dr's office.    I can decrease dosage if it stays low. 

Next month we are re-running labs and re-evaluating meds etc.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wegovy Wednesday - Week 7 Day 1

 Weight this am - 173.6

No Treadmill 

I'm starting the week 3 hover so I'm glad it's time to see the Dr.    

Everywhere is out of .5 but Sam's has 1.0.   Looks like we try there tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts

Weight this am - 173.4 - and it's back down again.  

Treadmill - 52 minutes at 2.5 for 3.01 miles 

Super nauseous last night.   SOMEthing did not agree with me before bed.   I did get up early and got my treadmill in so that's something.   Tomorrow I need to call pharmacies to check on Wegovy availability.  That way when I go in Thursday to the Dr I can have them send the script somewhere that actually has my my medication in stock.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday = Blah Day

 Weight this am 174.4 - doing the jog up again.   Last had that back on the 8th.   

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.5 for 2.89 miles - At least I did it.   

I.  Am. Just. SOOO.  TIRED.    blah.  

I wonder if the sleep and tired are related to alcohol.  I've had a few more this past week.   Trying to get through the already open wine before it gets bad.   

Tomorrow I need to start calling pharmacies about the 1.0.   I can feel the weight loss stalling a bit and these lower doses just seem to always be out.   I'll be asking about the .5 and the 1.0.   I'm honestly ok staying on the .5 if necessary but I really feel like I'd rather hover on 1.0 since I can always jump up from that to maintenance doses.   

I just don't want to be frantically calling again AFTER I get my script.   I'd rather call now and go into the dr with where to submit it.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekend Summary

Weight Sat am - 173.8

Weight Sun am 173.8

Saturday Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.5 for 2.89 miles

T.I.R.E.D    I'm just really kinda tired.   I really don't have the energy right now for a lot of things.   

I did do another deep dive.   Since I don't have MFP logs for weight in 2021, I decided to look at my Dr visits.   March/April I was 154/55   Sept/Oct I was 157/160.    That was before covid.    After it in Feb I was 173 and March 179.     

I also think my A1C did a jump as well but I'd have to look closer at that.   

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday the 13th

Weight this am - 174.0  

I've colored in another month on my Weight History Chart.  That makes ALL of 2022 DONE.  Two more squares to go before I'm done with the 170's and everything after January of 2022.

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.5 for 3 miles

This almost feels like moving backwards in time.   It's interesting.   OH, I'm doing the extra dropper of B12 and I am definitely less tired this morning. 

I've been getting errors on my home BP so I re-read the instructions and tried again.  98/77.  Huh.   That's like my old BP before my body decided to sabotage itself.   If it reads low at the Dr's office we may need to discuss tapering off BP meds. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Got to Keep On Moving

 Weight this am - 174.8

Treadmill - 46 minutes at 2.5 for 2.69 miles

I need to get back to it.   Too many days break from my self-care routines (walking, Pilates, etc)  

OH I bought skin care stuff on Monday when I had my flu shot.   This is day 3/4 of using them (morning is day 3, evening is day 4)   

I definitely can't eat as much in one shot and there are a lot of things that just, when I think of them, don't sound at all good.   I'm definitely more tired with this level.   I may need to take an extra dose of B12.

I'm under 175 but just barely.  It's tough.  I want to see my body really change one one hand, but on the other I don't want to lose TOO fast and have trouble keeping it off or issues with my body not adapting correctly.  ugh  I'm just really ready to retire some clothing.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Refocusing - Week 6 Day 1

 Weight this am - 175 

Starting the new week the same.   Looking back I lost 2.8lbs last week.  

I could NOT sleep last night.  I definitely had one of my panic episodes.   Last night was the first time I had hard liquor since starting this so I thiiiink that could be it.    That was the last of the gin in the house so I definitely can't do that again.    

I am exhausted today.   And a bit sad.   I did not get cast in Steel Magnolias.   I'm not UPSET.   It was a fair audition and I did well but not exceptional.    Apparently the universe really wants me to just focus on this journey right now.    sigh    It is what it is.   I'm going to take the day to be sad and self-care, give myself permission to be fully in my feelings.   Then tomorrow I will get up and get cracking on the NOW.    

I have things I need to do for me and I can't put them off.    

Tomorrow we start cleaning upstairs and getting back to moving forward and not wallowing.   

175 is the new beginning.   I'm ready to tackle the next 10.   

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debate Day

 Weight this am - 175.0 

Finally hit my first goal.   That one has been there for over a year.   Ever since I saw over 175 on the scale.  Honestly it feels more like a starting point than a goal but I'll take what I can get.   Set my next mini at 169 and then 165.    My real mini is 165 but the first one is 20lbs down and into the 160's...again...FINALLY.

So this is then end of week 5 and 14lbs down.   That's an average of 3lbs a week.   I can live with that.   It means 2 more weeks for me to get to 169 but as long as there is progress things are looking up. 

No treadmill today.  I was feeling rather run down from my vaccine and I know I missed B12 drops recently as well. 

The debate was something else.   45 is SUCH a buffoon.    I drank too much (for me, now, on Wegovy) but I didn't OVER-drink (two G&T's and a glass of wine the whole evening).   

New Week tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Flu Shot

 Weight this am - 175.2  

I'm only .2 lbs from my first goal.   Colored in some more squares on my chart too.  Only 3 squares to go until I'm out of the 170's

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.7 for 3.14 miles

Got the flu shot this morning so I'm all protected for the season.  Glad to have all that on board

There is a storm in the gulf.   Francine is a Tropical Storm and should become a hurricane later today.  Right now she is tracked toward Louisiana but when it's this close we prep.   We are already good to go.  If her track shifts toward us we go get ice but everything else is totally ready. 

One more full day and then it's shot 2 of .5.   I'm really hoping to be in the 160's by the time I finish these. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Audition Time Again

 Weight this am - 176.4 

A jog back up again.   Probably from the pizza.   I haven't done anything with heavy carbs in a long time.   Although it was to be Gluten Free...which doesn't mean lower carb.

Tonight is the audition for Steel Magnolias.   We'll see.  I've got the two monologues memorized.   I'm honestly a bit ambivalent.  If I get in, great! because M'Lynn is a bucket list role.  If I don't, I don't.   I have this journey to really focus on right now. 

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.7 for 3.08 miles

Audition went decently.  I'm not totally displeased.  Could have been better but it's hard to perform a monologue for the first time with a week to memorize.   Callbacks are Tuesday if they have them and casting the end of the week.   

Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Meeting of Maenads

 Weight this am - 175.6 

I got to color in some more squares on my chart this morning!   I'm only 0.6 away from ticking off my first goal as well.    Can't wait.   

The Maenads got together today for Lunch.   Technically it's our book club but it's really more than that.   We all bonded over "The Chapin Incident" in Measure for Measure and our love of reading, and we have been friends since.   It was so lovely to spend time with them again, it's been too long.   

Definitely a higher calorie day.   Although my pizza was supposed to be Gluten Free.   We'll see how that goes.  Especially since today was a No Treadmill day.

I am 'barely' starting to see a difference in my clothing as well.   Some things are just starting to fit again.   It's been sooooo long since I've been in the 160 so I'm really looking forward to getting out of the 7's.   I KNOW that I just got back into the 7's but the 180s has been something I think I spent a lot of time denying in my own head.  The 170's were a bit more real.  


Friday, September 6, 2024

New Goals

 Weight this am - 176.4

Treadmill - 51 minutes at 2.5 for 3.01 miles

Not feeling great although my ear hurts less than yesterday so I think it's definitely something sinus related.   My throat is a bit iffy too.    Taking things a bit easier today.   

I decided to go back over all the weights I recorded since I started MFP in 2015 (I have only 1 weigh-in in 2013)  and make a chart.    That way I can mark out each lower weight as I hit it.   There is a data gap in 2021 but you can definitely see the shift from 2020 and under (highest weight was 155) and after covid where I'm in the 170 and up range.  

Right now I have an impressive amount of blue.   Just over 6 lbs left until I color in  ALL of 2022 and 2023!  Then it's a 15lb gap until I get back to 2020 and 155

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday Thoughts

 Weight this am - 177.0   

Treadmill - 50 minutes at 2.5 for 3.0 miles

Nausea first thing this morning, but I'm fine now.   Stomach is just a bit fragile so I'm going slow.  I think I had just a teeny bit too much right before bed. 

Did less time on the treadmill with lower speed just because I don't want to push too hard.  

I'm tired too....but that's to be expected - first couple of days on the new dose.   I am now officially 2 lbs away from that first weight-loss goal.    I'm trying not to want TOO much TOO fast.   I did find a free exercise app from NIKE.   Going to look into that further later on, once the new dose isn't so new.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Moving On Up - To 0.50 - Week 5 Day 1

 Weight this am 177.8 - holding steady. 

Stats for the start of Week 5:
                    SW - 189.0
                    CW - 177.8
                    MG - 175 (mini-goal)
                    GW - 125

Starting this month in the 170's

Took my shot at about 9am on an empty stomach.   I didn't have the quiet brain reaction after the shot but my brain appears to be staying kinda quiet.    Covid vaccine reaction also appeared to be gone this moring

BOY am I NOT HUNGRY.   I had a half bowl of my southwest chicken soup and a 1/4 cup of dried cranberries today and that's it.    I'm starting to feel like I *should* eat but my brain isn't interested.   Although my stomach just felt a bit empty so it's definitely time.  

No Treadmill today since I prefer to take it easy when I go up a dose.   I did get some walking in while taking Rowan for job interviews though.   Good enough. 

No real symptoms with this dose so far.   Which is awesome.   We'll see how we do as I get into it but so far there is nothing really to report.

Reflections - Month 1


Ok people, it's time for a look back before we take a step forward.   I'm going to break this down into categories:


I started this journey on 8/7/2024 at 189lbs.   The highest I have ever been in my life and scarily close to 200.   As someone who spent the majority of my life under 120 and at my highest otherwise was never over the 150's, 189 is painful.   Everything hurts.  

8/7 - 8/14 - 189 to 184.4   - 4.6 lbs

8/14 - 8/21 - 184.4 to 180.2  - 4.2lbs

8/21 - 8/28 - 180.2 to 180.4  + 0.2

8/28 - 9/4 - 180.4 to 177.8  - 2.6lbs

Month 1 Total - Down 11.2lbs


Month Start:
                Waist - 42
                Hips - 47.5
                Thigh - 26
                Bicep - 14

8/7 - Measurements:
                Waist - 42     

8/9 - Photographs - 187 lbs

8/12 - Measurements:
                Waist - 41.5
                Hips - 47.5
                Thigh - 26
                Bicep - 14

8/28 - Photographs - 180 lbs
        - Measurements:
                Waist - 40.25 
                Hips - 46.5
                Thigh - 24
                Bicep - 13.5

Month End:                            Change:
Waist - 40.25               Waist - 1.75
                Hips -  46.5                   Hips - 1
                Thigh - 23                     Thigh - 3
                Bicep - 13.5                  Bicep - 0.5

Symptoms/Side Effects:

8/7 - 8/13  Week 1 - pre-nausea, light heartburn and light nausea, mild headache occasionally.  No longer blazing hot all the time. Quietening of extra brain noise.  No longer interested in alcohol.  fatigue (treated with B12) - Symptoms wear off by day 6

8/14 - 8/20 - Week 2 - "Cloud of White Noise" 15 minutes after shot. Hunger gone.  No nausea day 1 - Noticed that I am low-key happy/content.   Constant Anger/Stress is going away. Can't eat heavy or large portions. 

8/21 - 8/27 - Cannot have more than 1-2 glasses of wine.  Nausea day 2 (food choices?) Weight loss plateau. 

8/28 - 9/3 - Diarrhea and weight gain after eating gluten. More hunger this week. Headache when hydration is low. 


8/7 - 8/13 - Treadmill - 6 days - 2.0 to 2.1 for 42 to 45 minutes 

8/14 - 8/20 - Treadmill - 6 days -  to  for 42 to 60 minutes    Walking - 1 day for 60 minutes                               Pilates  - 2 days for 11 minutes each

8/21 - 8/27 - Treadmill - 2.3 to 2.5 for 42 to 60 minutes  Pilates - 3 days for 11 minutes each

8/28 - 9/3 -  Treadmill - 2.5 to 2.7 for 45 to 60 minutes   Pilates - 2 days for 11 minutes each

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Last day of 0.25

 Weight this am - 177.8 - back down again

My Garmin watch also got very excited for me this morning.  Apparently my fitness age went down...woohoo - LOL

My arm/shoulder is super sore this morning and I'm a bit congested/low grade headache, but that's all Covid vaccine related.    

Treadmill 62.5 minutes at 2.7 for 4 miles.  My final mile was my fastest yet.   14:40!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day

 Weight this am - 178.6 - up a jog but not all the way.    

Treadmill - 60 min at 2.6 for 3.62 miles

Grocery day today, at least partly.   We forgot that Costco was closed so that will have to be another trip.

We made a meal list for the week:  Broccoli/Cauliflower cheese soup - Egg Roll in a Bowl - Chili Verde

I decided that we needed to come up with 3 meals with leftovers each week and plan their days.  Because with this med if I don't have a planned meal then I have no motivation to cook and I don't actually even think about what to eat...LOL.   It's a learning curve.  

Ran my monologues.   They are flowing pretty well.    Also picked up some bralettes for Rowan.   First Bra for the new daughter.   

Started Chili Verde.   Tomorrow dinner is run.

No Pilates today but step goal was met and I'm over 10K as well.

Also got our updated Covid vaccine.   If you haven't done this...what are you waiting for?

Sunday, September 1, 2024

I Matched March

 Back on August 28th I posted about looking back over the past year, and how my lowest weight was in March of 2024 when I registered 177.8.   I matched March today!

Weight this am - 177.8

I had a headache this am.   I think I was a bit shy on my water/seltzer intake yesterday so I have to watch that.   Next goal weight is 175.   That has been my goal since I was 184.5 back in February.   It would be nice to finally get that done and be able to focus on my next goal. 

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.5 for 3.44 miles

Definitely want to do Pilates later and we need to make up a shopping list.

Pilates - Done (abs only)

Shopping list made.

Monologues run.    

I'm thinking probably Tuesday will be my look back and recap for Month 1.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Thoughts

Weight this am - 179.0 

Treadmill - 65 minutes at 2.4 for 3.54 miles

Pilates - 11 minutes Abs

I loaded the other monologue for auditions.   Just need to run them into the ground now.    

Scale is staying at 179 - although I do need to go nude for that reading.   Made a southwestern chicken soup today with the leftover chicken breast.    It's yummy

I am definitely noticing more hunger this week.   Usually I would feel that on Monday or Tuesday and it's hitting me already.    I do want to finish these 4 weeks holding strong in the 170's (even if it's just at 179)  These 10's definitely feel like their own land.   It feels more like going backwards to go up into a different 10 than it does to fluctuate pounds within a 10.   Like....Wobbling between 180 - 182 feels more acceptable than wobbling between 179 and 181 - even though it's the same 2 lbs.    

ANYway.   I'm looking forward to seeing how I react to the .50 on Wednesday.

Tomorrow or Monday I'm going to sum up my 0.25 journey.   Look back at the symptoms and reactions.  What happened over the past 4 weeks.   All of that. 

Until tomorrow...

Friday, August 30, 2024

Officially Hit 10lbs

 Weight this am - 179.0 - 10 pounds baby!   And I am now into the 170's.

Treadmill - 64 minutes at 2.5 for 3.56 miles

I WILL do pilates today dangit.   LOL

Right now I'm going to take a break and have a salad though.    Then work on audition monologues. 

Ok....yeah I didn't do Pilates.    But I did go back and look through my food and weight logs.    The early fluctuations don't correspond to anything so those were probably the water/inflammation shifts.   I also don't see specific spikes with Keto bread so I'm going to experiment with that later.   See if after a period of not having anything with gluten those affect me at all, or if the extra fiber acts as some sort of barrier.

I do see spikes with noodle soup and white bread/pretzels so that's something to keep an eye on.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Titanic Thursday

 Weight this am - 181.0 - aaarrrrgggghhh   sigh

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.5 for 3.5 miles

I'm wondering if gluten is the culprit.    I had it the past 2 days.    If I have NCGS that might explain the weight gain and diarrhea.    I've been avoiding most bread products since I started except for the occasional slice of Keto bread.  Let's see what things look like tomorrow.   

It's frustrating because I SAW the 170's just briefly and now it feels like a teaser.    Oh look...there's a seven...NAH back up we go.   I don't think I can take too much 'back up' right now.

Doing a reading of Titanic tonight.   It's the last Chaos Theatre read.   The end of an era. 

Need to do my pilates today since I missed yesterday.   I also need to start working on upstairs. 

Going to work on sticking to my salads and light meals.   Oh and continue to drown myself in water....LOL.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Final 0.25 Wednesday - Week 4 Day 1

 Weight this am - 180.4  - Another jog up.   

 I officially did not lose anything this week 8/21 I was 180.2 and today 180.4   Not what I was hoping but since I lost 5lbs in week 1 and 4 in week 2 I guess I'll take it.    I am really hoping I drop at least a lb this week so I can actually hit that 10lb loss and be in a different decade on the scale.   

Treadmill - 47 minutes at 2.5  for 2.72 miles

Sigh.   I'm intellectually ok with a stall since I know that overall things are good.   But there is a part of me that panics just a little bit when things aren't trending at least a little bit downwards.   

Well...looking back, I'm below where I was in February (184.5) although not down to where I got to in March (177.8)   So I'm almost to where I was when I wasn't using meds to help.   I guess my mini-mini goal is to get below 177.8.   That's only 2lbs from my lowest weight on this med.   C'mon TWO

Last 0.25 shot this morning.   Used my left thigh.   

Took photos.   I can see a tightening in my abdominal area and my waist at my belly button is down from 42 inches to 40.25.  My hips are down from 47.5 to 46.5.   Left upper arm is the same at a half inch down.  I need to add weights and toning on my arms.   My right thigh went from 26 to 24 so the walking is helping.

I do feel good about deciding to go up in dose with this plateau.   The effects are definitely less than at week 1.    Lets see where we end up by next Wednesday.    Hopefully I can officially put myself solidly in the 170's again!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

End of Week Three

 Weight this am - 179.8 - Holding just barely in the 170's.   

Treadmill - 42 minutes at 2.5

Tomorrow is day 1 of week 4.   Picture and measurements day.   

Took Rowan to Old Town today for a quick job search.   Too Quick.  Most of the stores were closed today.   We'll try again later in the week. 

Need to work on memorizing two monologues for an audition on the 8th of September.   

Someone in the group was talking about having a reverse body dysmorphic disorder and that kind of resonated with me.   My body was the same size for most of my life.   So now I don't tend to see how large I am unless I see a photo or a reflection of myself in a full length mirror.   Then it's like I am surprised by how wrong that image is in connection with what my image of myself is inside my head.    

I can't buy clothes for how I look now because I cannot see in my head myself at this size.   

I can't recognize myself because that is not how my face looked for over 40 years.   That is not how my body looked for over 40 years.   It's bizarre.   

I can't wait until I am back inside the flesh that I actually recognize as me.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Weight this am - 179.8 - I SAW A SEVEN.    0.8 lbs left until I hit 10 pounds down

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.4 for 3.41 miles

Spent part of the morning trying to find ANY pharmacy with .25 or .5 of Wegovy in stock.    Sam's Club has one of each so I called my GP to get the script transferred to them.    I'm still waiting to hear back. 

Just called and the doctor hasn't sent it over yet !!!    Because I needed stress.   That's great for my cortisol levels....HAHA not.

Today should see day 4 of 10K steps and maybe I'll add in another segment of Pilates.   Maybe not.   We'll see.    Will definitely do at least the abs.

Doctor finally called my script over to Sam's Club and Miracle of Miracles they still had the single .50 in stock.   I now have my next script.   

Did NOT get to an extra Pilates today but I did do my:

Pilates (Abs) 11 minutes

Day 4 of 4 - 10K steps.

I am exhausted and stressed after today.   I have 2 monologues to memorize for auditions but I'm going to start that tomorrow when I have a brain.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Sunday

 Weight this am - 180.2

Treadmill - 60 minutes at 2.3 for 3.17 miles

Weight is back down to where it was on 8/21.  I'm hoping it gets into the 170's by my next shot.   That will feel so good.   

Day 3 of 10K

Pilates (Abs) - 11 minutes

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dentist Day

 Dentist Appointment this morning for a cleaning.   I'm not a fan of Saturday appointments.   They feel rushed.   I'd much rather go on a weekday.    That said, I'm going to keep up with the brush and floss for the next 3 months.

Weight this am - 181.0  - A slight jog up but I didn't walk on Thursday or Friday, and Wednesday was exercise ball instead of steps

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.3 for 2.03 miles

Pilates (Abs) - 11 minutes

Today was a salad with bacon and hard boiled egg.   I'm just over halfway to my step goal for the day.   

Day 2 of 4 - 10K steps

Made up chicken breasts.    Vegetable Stock is in the roaster.  

Tomorrow is Sunday - New week, New Plans

Friday, August 23, 2024

Doctor Appointment

 Today was a follow up day with my PCP.    According to their scale and mine I'm down 8.4lbs overall (their scale is measuring me by about 2.6lbs less than my home scale.   I think they have it set lower to account for things like shoes)   We discussed it and sent in my script for 0.50 dose.   My pharmacy can't fill it until the 25th so now we wait.   

Weight this am - 180.6 - This is why people shouldn't worry about a pound or so fluctuation.   

Trying to bring my food choices back into alignment.   We definitely had some less than stellar options this past week and I can feel it in the *tired*   

Still having a bit of nausea in the background.  I need to make up some chicken breasts and have those as an option with my salad.   

Dentist tomorrow and then I'm good on doctors until next month.   

I feel like I'm almost in a holding pattern motivation-wise until I see that new 10 pound number.   I'm looking at you 70.   It's sooo close. 

No I have not done my walk or Pilates today.   Trying to get the background nausea cleared and honestly...I do better when I knock that out first thing in the morning.  

Lets see what tomorrow brings

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy Birthday Mark

 Today is my love's birthday.    

It is also, apparently, side effects day.    I tried to get on the treadmill and the nausea knocked me flat.   

I'm not sure if it's related to any food choices yesterday or if it's just the medicine building up and hitting me in the face, but it is definitely Not Fun.

Weight this am - 182.6   Apparently I have hit one of those fluctuations again.  This is the biggest jump I have had so far on this journey.     We'll see what tomorrow brings. 

I am not trying for steps today. 

Last night of the DNC - Lets Do This (but very gently because my stomach is

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wegovy Wednesday - Week 3 Day 1

 Week Three of 0.25

Weight this am 180.2 - down almost 9lbs and less than a lb from seeing the 170's

Waist - 40.5  - down 1.5 total and 1 from last week's measurement of 41.5

Upper arm - 13.5 - down .5 

Hips 46.8 - down almost an inch from 47.5

Right thigh - 25 - down an inch

Did NOT get to the park this morning.   I'll hop on a treadmill later.    I DID figure out that I canNOT have more than one glass of wine.  ðŸ¤¢ I had about 2-3 while chatting with a friend and woke up super nauseous and sick at 4am.     10/10 Do Not Recommend.   I'll stick with my seltzer and occasional 2-3oz mini-glass.

I got to 10K steps today.  No Pilates.   Shot day is tired day.   

Tomorrow is Mark's Birthday and we'll be doing some cleaning up upstairs so I can get on top of Appen work.   

Then the final night of the DNC    This whole thing has been just a non-stop JOYfest.   It's so uplifting and hopeful.   

We Are Not Going Back

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Walk In The Park

 Weight this am - 181.6

Walk In The Park - 2.85 miles in 1 hour

Went with Rowan to the park this morning and walked the Bike/Walk Path.   A little less distance than my 60 minutes on the treadmill but I tell you what, I'm almost done with my daily step goal.  

The DNC ran SUPER LATE last night but omg was it uplifting.    It's the first time I've seen one and this was definitely the year for it.   

I am probably going to take a wee nap/lie down because MAN was it hot outside even at 7am.   

Will do Pilates later today and tomorrow R and I are probably hitting the trails again.   

Day 7 of 8K steps - Goal Accomplished

Set a new goal of walking 10K steps for 4 days (not in a row)

Pilates done.   Took a nap.   Having Tacos for dinner.    I'm taking a break from my Smart Watch for a bit.  

Dr appointment on Friday to discuss dosage.    Dentist appointment on Saturday.

Dose 3 is tomorrow.    Off to get ready for another night of DNC

Monday, August 19, 2024

Out and About

 Took Rowan to Planned Parenthood this morning for a blood draw.   I also realized that I did NOT in fact have a Dentist appointment this morning.   Apparently an old card from last year got into the mix of current appointment cards.   Ooops.   Then we went to Best Buy so Rowan could use their gift card.   

Weight this am 181.8 - Obviously I was right not to worry about the flux.   LOL   I am soooo close to my mini-goal of 10lbs down!   And just 6-7 lbs away from my MFP goal of 175.   I can't wait until I can change that to 165 ðŸ’™

Treadmill - 45 minutes at 2.2 for 2.07 miles

Still have about 2k steps to go to get to 8 today.    Worst case I'll pop on the treadmill for another 15 minutes later this evening.    Right now I think my salad was a bit too heavy with the addition of steak for me to have gone for my walk.    My stomach is just a wee bit affected.

Tomorrow Rowan and I are hoping to go for an early am walk in the park on the nature trail.   I'm looking forward to that.   I'll also add pilates tomorrow since the walk will be early 

I'll check back in once I hit my 8k step goal.   

Day 6 of 8K steps - One day left to my goal

Watching the DNC and this is just FUN.   

One more day until Dose 3.   

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Grocery Day

 Weight this am - 183.4  

Treadmill - 43 minutes at 2.2 for 2.08 miles

Day 5 of 8K steps

Grocery Shopping today so my treadmill walk was definitely shorter.    I'm within 500 steps of 10K though so that's good.  

Tomorrow is Dentist for me.   Then labs for Rowan.  Then call billing for PP to credit the overcharge for future visits.

We may NOT now have an extra person.  Apparently them having a place to go has made their parent give them a year.   We'll see how that goes.   They know our door is open if this isn't what they are hoping for.  

Food is going good today.   Off to cook some steak for dinner.   Haven't had steak since I started the meds so we'll see how that goes.    

I'm not worried about the weight flux, I just look forward to seeing how everything trends.  

Two more days until Dose 3

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Re-Birthday To You

Happy Re-Birth Day to you
Happy Re-Birth Day to you
Happy Re-Birth Day Dear Daughter
Happy Re-Birth Day to you

 My darling Rowan started her gender affirming meds this morning.   This is official start of transforming her outside so that it matches her inside truth.  So today, we celebrate.

Weight this am - 183.0

Treadmill Walk - 60-ish minutes at 2.2 (3 miles)

Will do Pilates later.   I've got 1500 steps left to hit day 4 of 8k.   

Today I need to do my job searches for unemployment (probably my last check) and then tomorrow I'm looking into Appen again.   It's time. 

Day 4 of 8K steps 

Finished the livingroom so other than a few random piles (glasses for tree etc) the downstairs is at a base clean for the main areas.   I need to do the half bath and the Laundry Room but we have other concerns.

Rowan's friend needs a place to live since their parent kicked them out.    We are going to offer them the guest room but that means cleaning the whole upstairs.   We need to get that done within the next 2 weeks.   

It is never dull here.   

Going to go log food on MFP and then take a break for a bit.    I'm not sure I'm getting to Pilates today but that's ok.   I can do every other day. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Pilates Day

 I'm making a commitment to add at least a 10 minute pilates segment today.   After my walk I will need to review the videos on the server but I definitely want to start adding different ab exercises now that we are in week 2.    The 10 minute ab section of my pilates video should be a perfect next step.   I'll check back once I've accomplished that.

Yesterday evening I had Beef Pho and Jasmine tea for dinner.   Of course I ate very little of that (although I did have a slice of keto bread with peanut butter before bed.   

Weight this am - 183.6  It's slowing down but I expected that.    I also expect another jump somewhere around Monday/Tuesday if the trend stays the same.  

Hit almost 10k steps yesterday.    I'm going for 8K again today so we'll see.    About to jump on the treadmill so I'll catch back up later

Ok.  It's later

Treadmill Walk - 60 minutes at 2.2 for 2.88 miles

Pilates - 10 minutes

Day 3 of 8k steps

Beef with black bean sauce and rice

Salad with egg

Curry with brown rice.

I'm...happy.    Overall I am just content and low-key happy.    I think in addition to quietening my anxiety this is actually working on my depression.    Whatever it is...I'll take it.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Off To The Theatre

 Short post today because I am going out with friends to see a play tonight.  Soooo it's a quick update.

Weight this am 183.8 - I feel like I haven't seen the 170's in sooo long.   This gives me hope that I will be there and able to check off my 10lb loss goal by next shot day.   Fingers Crossed

Treadmill Walk - 66 minutes at 2.1 for 3.21 miles

I am less than 700 steps away from hitting Day 2 of 8k steps (I have another mini-goal of 1 week at 8K)

I haven't felt this motivated an energized since I started Keto and got my thyroid meds adjusted back in late 2018/early 2019.    

Had some beef with black bean sauce earlier.    I will probably do a small snack like a superfood bite just to not get too hungry before dinner.   

I have about an hour before I need to get ready so I think I will lie down and set an alarm.   

See ya on the flip side.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Starting the Next Cycle - Week 2 Day 1

 Well...that was a bit of a surprise.    After yesterday's indulgences I expected the scale to show at best an even progression, at worst another shift up.    But this journey is apparently full of surprises.    

Weight this am - 184.4  

That was a welcome surprise.    This means I went from 189 to 184.4 - almost 5lbs down this week.   I expect that some of this is inflammation and water weight but still.   That is the most I have seen the scale move downwards in almost 2 years.   I am cautiously optimistic that I will actually be in the 160's by my anniversary in October.     That would be fantastic.   

Observations on shot 2.   About 15 minutes after my injection the 'cloud of white noise' descended and I could feel my brain quietening.    It's just lovely.   Like silent static.    And the hunger is gone again.   No over-salivating this time either.   

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.2 for 2 miles - I went up one in speed today

Another 'side effect' I forgot to mention.   My resting heart rate is down.   It's now sitting at around 60bpm which is a definite drop.   

Had a nice salad today with avocado and chicken.   I'm going to need to make more up because that was my last piece.   Probably tomorrow or late tonight since we are doing leftovers today.  

Got some clean up done on the living room.  It should hopefully be clear for Pilates in the next couple of days.   

Now I'm just settling myself down after a stressful event.    My Dr and I forgot to send refills in for my scripts last Friday, so I had to call the office on Monday.   No script showed up at my CVS so I called back and the office had sent the refill to the wrong (now closed) CVS.   Got them to send to the correct one on Tuesday.   I get a text Tuesday that they got the scripts, they need to order Adythza (thyroid med) but are filling my BP med.   Get a text my BP med is ready.   Then today get a text that Adthyza is not eligible for refill until November (!?!?!)   Called the pharmacy and they can't help, said to call the Ins Company.   Ins Company shows my med refilled AT THAT CVS on the 13th (?!?!?! - again)   and they don't understand why CVS did not call them.   Ins tries to call CVS and gets voicemail but will follow up tomorrow am if it's not resolved.    Then I try to call CVS again and the automated line is now apparently defaulting me to their prescriber line (?!?!?! - one more time)   While I'm fighting with this I get a call from CVS (that went to voicemail because ....phones)   My script is resolved and will be ready by 6pm today.     

JESUS- FUCK that was a friggin moment.    

I am definitely done for the day...LOL!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

One Day More

 Tomorrow is shot day again so I have almost officially completed my first week.    I noticed the tapering off of a symptom this morning and that made me realize I forgot to log it so here goes.  

For a while now, but especially since peri-menopause and menopause, I am always warm.   We have the AC high at night because otherwise I will wake up overheating.    The night after I took my first dose I was chilly when trying to go to sleep and I woke up cold.    I wound up wrapping myself in a fuzzy blanket on the couch.    

This morning I noticed that I woke up and felt warm.   Not HOT.  Just warm enough that I needed to throw off the covers.    I realized then that it's been a very gradual warming up over the course of the week.   I've been enjoying not feeling like I'm baking from the inside out so I'm hoping the chilly returns after tomorrow.  

Weight this am - 186   up a wee bit again but fluctuations are to be expected.   We'll see what tomorrow morning brings but it's  looking like I can count this as officially 3 lbs this week.    Even though that may just be water weight and inflammation...I'll take it.   

Treadmill Walk - 43 mins at 2.1 for 1.56 miles

Sleep was decent but I woke up early (which is fine).    Made Turkey Curry last night.   I'm about to head to Costco for a quick shop but I'll come back to this later.   

It's later...

I'm noticing that symptoms have tapered of drastically today.   I've felt much more hungry today.  I actually wanted to snack.   So, the day before my dose is when the effects of the first shot tapered off.  Hunger is back and so is feeling warm.     

Had a salad for lunch.  A new snack called "VERI Superfood Bites", I had blueberries in almond milk, Beef in black bean sauce for dinner and an ice cream.    OH and about 6 ounces of red wine cut with a can of Rose flavor seltzer.    

Tomorrow I want to put in a calendar reminder to do weight, body scan, photos and measurements four weeks out from my first dose so I can sync everything up.   

Soooo....tomorrow is dose number two.    I'm not worried if weight is up a bit in the morning because I know today was a hungry day.   We'll see how things go once I take the second pen. 

On to week two

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tracking Inches

 It's Monday!   That means in two days we move on to dose two and see how that goes.   I promised yesterday to give you more of an update today and we'll get there...but first - STATS!   I added measurements this morning (before we get too far in) so let's start with a breakdown.

Weight this am - 185.8 (back up a teeny bit but I DID have a margarita last night)

Treadmill Walk - 43 minutes at 2.1 for 1.76 miles

Waist - 41.5 so down 1/2 an inch

Upper Arm - 14 inches

Hips - 47.5 inches

Right Thigh - 26 inches (ya'll,  my waist used to be this size!)

I'm tempted to go dig up my pre-Arietta-pregnancy measurements just to look back at Me At 30...maybe later.

Last night was lovely and I had a blast.    Unfortunately my sleep was NOT as good last night (kept waking up)  We'll see if that is an effect of the meds or the margarita.   (Don't tell the 'Rita but I'm blaming her ðŸ˜‰)   Either way it was worth it because I got to spend time with some awesome people.  

Now onto the side effect I forgot to note until I was chatting with someone.    Food Noise.   Although in my case it's more Life Noise.    Wegovy is supposed to quiet Food Noise.   That's one of the ways it works to stop people from eating when they aren't actually hungry.  I've never really experienced Food Noise.   I don't have food cravings or overwhelming thoughts of food.   What I do have is way too many voices in my head ... or around it.    Constant inner monologues (yes plural) which can be stressful at times.   One of the first things I noticed after the shot was something I initially classified as static.   Like an almost-buzzing in my ears, but not actually IN my ears.    I was describing it later to a friend as a kind of cloud.  

Since I took the first dose I have almost a cloud of white noise (but SILENT white noise) surrounding my brain.   I don't have extra thoughts going on.    At night I can fall asleep now by actually just closing my book and putting my head on the pillow.   No background music, no ear plugs, no reading until I doze off.   Just putting my head down and closing my eyes!  This is NOT something I've been able to do for a Looooong time.    And I like it.    It's calm.  And it's peaceful.   I haven't had a quiet brain for as long as I can remember.    This is definitely a side effect that I am very happy to keep.

Food-wise today has been salad and I was going to make turkey soup but I think I'm switching to curry instead.    

OH!   and I found a new favorite snack....frozen blueberries in almond milk.   Looove it!