Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Road So Far...

     I'm about a month behind where I wanted to be when this whole bizarre dystopian insanity began.   Since the best thing to do for the future is to journal when this sort of craziness happens, let me backtrack and see if I can catch up to the present. 

The first confirmed death in China 1/11/2020

First confirmed case in the US 1/21/2020

1/30/2020 WHO declared a Global Health Emergency

1/31/2020 US restricts travel into the US from China for Foreign Nationals (excludes permanent residents or family members of citizens.

2/5/2020 Princess Cruise ship on lockdown after confirmed cases

2/7/2020 Chinese doctor who tried to raise the alarm dies

2/11/2020 Virus officially named Covid 19 (a mix of Coronavirus and year started)

2/14/2020 First European death in France

2/19/2020 People leave the Princess Cruise ship after lockdown lifted

2/23/2020 Italy sees a surge in cases and locks down certain cities

2/24/2020 45 asks congress for funds for Coronavirus response team

2/29/2020 First death in the US.   Travel restrictions implemented

3/3/2020 CDC lifts federal restrictions on Covid testing

3/11/2020 WHO declares Covid 19 a pandemic

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